The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Liz Benjamin: ‘Generally Snarky’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo evidently assigned his communication director Richard Bamberger to compile a 35-page dossier on the work of YNN reporter/blogger Liz Benjamin: The file, composed of highlighted and annotated blog items by Elizabeth Benjamin, one of Albany’s dominant political reporters, paints a picture of an executive branch that’s particularly averse to hints […]

#Occupy Sympathizer Who Tweeted About Killing Cops: Meet Rusty Braxton

As previously noted, when police shut down Saturday’s Occupy protest in New York, a Twitter user with the handle “smackema1” sent a message: “We wont make a difference if we dont kill a cop or 2.” After it was announced that a criminal investigation of the threat had been undertaken, the New York Daily News located […]

#Occupy St. Patrick’s Day: The Wearing of the Green and the Clearing of the Scum UPDATE: Did ‘Police Brutality Victim’ Cecily McMillan Attack Policeman?

St. Patrick’s Day, like New Year’s Eve, is one of those occasions when I carefully avoid alcohol because I refuse to drink with amateurs. But for many Americans, St. Patrick’s Day is a festive occasion celebrated with drunken revelry. Now imagine you’re a New York cop, looking forward to a Saturday night of green beer […]

NY GOP Set to Botch Re-Districting Plan?

Last night I got a tip about shenanigans surrounding the congressional re-districting plan in New York State. The state legislature has been unable to reach agreement and a federal magistrate has become involved. A story from the Albany Times-Union has the background, but the bottom line is that they’re under deadline pressure, and there are rumors of “bipartisan” […]

And Her Name Is ‘Quackenbush’

You need a laugh? I need a laugh. And we are therefore grateful to an erstwhile “rising star” in New York Democratic Party politics: Albany County District Attorney David Soares today acknowledged a longstanding intimate relationship with a junior female staffer whose siblings have been prosecuted on multiple occasions by his office. Soares, 42, said he […]

Sen. Schumer’s Deed Shall Live In Infamy

by Smitty Chuck Schumer appears to have achieved a full metamorphosis: he may be the first Senator to have achieved the full odiousness of the British Parliament which the Founders opposed. From a Freedom Works email: We observed all the rules. Senator Mike Lee reserved the room for us weeks in advance. Every “i” was […]

NYPD Clears Out Occupiers

About damned time: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Tuesday defended his decision to clear the park in Lower Manhattan that was the birthplace of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, saying “health and safety conditions became intolerable” in the park where the protesters had camped out for nearly two months. . . . “New York City […]

Ed Koch Writes Around The Topic Of Corruption With A Neurosurgeon’s Skill

by Smitty One must admit, it’s quite a well done piece by Ed Koch in the Puffington Host to talk about corruption in the U.S. while mentioning no more than Dick Durbin in terms of Democrat corruption. What this country needs is a Congress and a president who will investigate the corruption that Americans feel […]

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