NY-1 UPDATE: Judge Reviewing Ballots, GOP Suspects Illegal Voting by Dems
New York’s 1st District, encompassing eastern Long Island, remains the nation’s last undecided congressional race of 2010. Supporters of Republican challenger Randy Altschuler contend that incumbent Democrat Rep. Tim Bishop was the beneficiary of illegal votes: Absentee ballot counting ground to a halt at 11 a.m. Friday in the only still-undecided congressional race in the […]
Guess Who’s Having a Party?
Ann Marie Buerkle, that’s who. You will recall that, when Pete Da Tech Guy and I visited NY-25 in mid-October, a new poll showed the Republican challenger trailing Democratic incumbent Rep. Dan Maffei by 13 points. I ended my Oct. 18 American Spectator column with a quote from Buerkle’s speech to her supporters in the village of Clyde, N.Y., telling them what […]
‘Year of the Pro-Life Woman’
Press release: Today, the Susan B. Anthony List celebrated the election of the eighth pro-life woman U.S. Representative in the 112th Congress and a major upset in Ann Marie Buerkle’s defeat of pro-abortion incumbent Dan Maffei. “Ann Marie Buerkle’s win is historic for women, the unborn and New York’s 25th Congressional District,” SBA List President […]
Can You Say ‘Mandate’?
Sam Foster at American Thinker does the math on the 242-seat GOP House majority and his colleague Bill Zwerger adds about the NY-25 race: The vindication for the NY Tea Party comes from the fact that Mr. Maffei was a true-blue, Obama supporting, Pelosi controlled liberal, who showed a great deal of disdain to any constituents […]
If You Ever Feel Discouraged . . .
. . . think about Ann Marie Buerkle’s victory in NY-25. She is now six weeks away from being a member of Congress, but what about six weeks ago? It was Sunday, Oct. 17, and Pete Da Tech Guy and I were driving on our way to cover the Buerkle campaign, when I got a call from […]
NY-25: Maffei Concedes, Buerkle Wins
Got the good news via the Lonely Conservative, who got it from Robert Harding’s Tweet. With last night’s concession in TX-27, Buerkle’s win puts the incoming GOP House majority at 242 seats. A 4 p.m. press conference is scheduled. UPDATE: Auburn (N.Y.) Citizen: Maffei issued a statement this afternoon thanking the residents of the 25th […]
Oritz Concedes TX-27 to Farenthold; GOP Reaches Historic 241 Seats in House
Most House seats held by the Republicans since 1949: U.S. Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz conceded late Monday to Congressman-elect Blake Farenthold. Noting that the recount of more than 106,000 votes had been completed in the district, Ortiz said: “Therefore, with great respect and admiration in the Democratic process, I congratulate my opponent, Mr. R. Blake Farenthold, […]
Republican Buerkle Leads by 567 Votes in NY-25; Still No Concession From Maffei; UPDATE: Buerkle Campaign Says, ‘We Need to Allow the Process to Proceed’
The incumbent Democrat appears to have been defeated, according to the Syracuse Post-Standard: Republican Ann Marie Buerkle holds a 567-vote lead over U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei in the 25th Congressional District race after Wayne County election officials released their unofficial tally of absentee votes today. Buerkle added 269 votes to her lead after getting 790 […]
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