NY-26 Election Day: Are Crazy Jack’s Supporters Breaking Toward Democrat?
Jazz Shaw points out in the Hot Air Green Room that, contrary to some expectations, the erosion of fake “Tea Party” candidate Jack Davis’s support has not translated to poll gains for Republican Jane Corwin. This adds doubt to Politico‘s prediction that a low vote for Crazy Jack would necessarily portend a Corwin victory in today’s New York congressional […]
NY-26 UPDATE: Are 13 Percent of Voters Really Going to Vote for Crazy Jack?
On the eve of Tuesday’s special election, the most recent polls in New York’s 26th District are a good-news/bad-news tale: The good news is that support for fake “Tea Party” candidate Crazy Jack Davis has been cut in half since a month ago, when Davis — who ran as a Democrat in 2004, 2006 and […]
NY-26 Update: Jane Corwin Ad
Responding to Democrat attacks, the GOP is really trying to blur the Medicare/Social Security issue: The most effective part of this ad is Corwin’s appearance at the end. She just seems nice, doesn’t she? Dave Weigel is up in the district covering the campaign, and has a report on Wednesday’s debate between Corwin and Democrat […]
Strauss-Kahn Resigns
IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn submitted his resignation last night, “with infinite sadness.” It’s hard to beat “infinite,” but the sadness might get worse if Strauss-Kahn’s accuser turns out to be HIV-positive. Joseph A. Harriss, Paris correspondent for The American Spectator, raises an interesting question about Strauss-Kahn: Strauss-Kahn’s personal Götterdämmerung on Saturday came with stunning swiftness. […]
NY-26 Update: Tea Party Express Endorses Republican Jane Corwin
We are now just a week away from the special election in New York’s 26th District, and our Syracuse-area friend The Lonely Conservative reports: The Tea Party Express showed up in the Rochester, NY area [Monday] to officially endorse Jane Corwin in the NY26 special election. They also denounced the fake Tea Party candidate Jack […]
Frenchman Shocked to Discover It’s Illegal to Sodomize Your Hotel Maid in U.S.
Even in New York City! The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was taken off an Air France plane at Kennedy International Airport minutes before it was to take off for Paris on Saturday and arrested in connection with the sexual attack of a maid at a Midtown Manhattan hotel, the authorities […]
NY-26 Update: Fake ‘Tea Party’ Candidate Davis Skips Debate, Attacks Cameraman
This video of Crazy Jack Davis is making the rounds today: For reasons unknown, Crazy Jack pulled out of today’s debate in Rochester with Republican Jane Corwin and Democrat Kathy Hochul. The cameraman, a GOP volunteer, was trying to ask Davis why he canceled his debate appearance less than two weeks before the May 24 special […]
NY-26 Update: New TV Ad; NRCC Gets Involved; Whither David Ballavia? UPDATE: Holy Freaking Crap! Donald Trump Now Blaming Paul Ryan?
Lots of new developments in New York’s 26th District special election campaign since I blogged about it yesterday. First, here’s a look at that new TV ad from American Crossroads: They’re targeting Crazy Jack Davis, the fake “Tea Party” candidate who ran three times unsuccessfully as a Democrat in 2004, 2006, and 2008. Meanwhile, in a […]
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