The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ace Is Suffering Weiner Overload

Illustration by Carol of No Sheeples Here After 72 hours of constant weinering, Ace says he’s all weinered out — afflicted with hyperweinerosis — so he’s pulled the plug to go watch a movie. Before he left, however, Ace put up a post trying to analyze the infamous photo of Weiner’s alleged wiener. Meanwhile, Mediaite […]

The Curious Case of the Weiner-Following (And Weiner-Followed) Teenage Girl

One of the aspects of #WeinerGate that cropped up early was that a teenage girl was among the 90-odd people that Rep. Anthony Weiner was following on Twitter. Several people have mentioned this to me, sending me e-mails with screen-caps of a Tweet (from April 13) in which the girl said she was “talking to […]

@JoanWalsh Blames @AndrewBreitbart and #tcot Bloggers for #WeinerGate Story

Dear Joan Walsh: I arrived late at the #WeinerGate story — it was already on top of Memeorandum by the time I blogged about it at 4:23 p.m. ET Saturday — and my first reaction was to make a joke of it. But then, as I took time to acquaint myself with the facts, a […]

#WeinerGate Victim Gennette Cordova Issues Statement: ‘I Cannot Answer the Questions That I Do Not Have the Answers To’; Describes Her Reaction

Posted at the New York Daily News: Friday evening I logged onto Twitter to find that I had about a dozen new mentions in less than an hour, which is a rare occurrence. When I checked one of the posts that I had been tagged in I saw that it was a picture that had […]

MSM Starting to Cover ‘WeinerGate’ UPDATE: More Details Now Emerging UPDATE: Weiner DM’d a Porn Star?

8 p.m. ET: GENETTE CORDOVA ISSUES STATEMENT * * 4:10 p.m. ET: RE-BUMPED FOR UPDATE BELOW * * * * 1:10 p.m. ET: BUMPED FOR UPDATE BELOW * *  Genette Nicole Cordova, the 21-year-old college student to whom the photo was sent. About 10 p.m. last night, I figured we had enough facts that I […]

Weiner’s Wiener?
UPDATE: Who Is ‘Gennette Nicole’?
UPDATE: Questions Piling Up

New York Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner allegedly sent an alleged photo of his alleged penis to an alleged woman via Twitter. The photo shows a man in gray undershorts with a bulging erection. Weiner is claiming he was the victim of Internet hackers, and I think we should believe him. Because his penis is probably […]

Media Psy-Ops in NY-26

In my very first post about the NY-26 special election (May 10), I warned: NY-26 is a winnable district, and a GOP defeat would be interpreted by the media (however falsely) as a repudiation of the conservative agenda. And on May 17, I warned that a Democrat victory “will be headlined as evidence that the […]

UPDATE: Democrat Hochul Wins

12:30 a.m. ET: The predicted spin from the New York Times: Democrats scored an upset in one of New York’s most conservative Congressional districts on Tuesday, dealing a blow to the national Republican Party in a race that largely turned on the party’s plan to overhaul Medicare. 11:45 p.m. ET: Erick Erickson at Red State: […]

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