The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New York Times Buries the Lead — Deliberately — on Egypt Story

Yesterday, the New York Times put a story on its Web site with the headline: “Christians Targeted for Retribution in Egypt.” Then, evidently, the editors took over and turned it into a story headlined: “Egypt Calls for New Look at Morsi Prison Escape in 2011.” As they say in the newsroom, they added a new […]

Why Is the New York Times Now Campaigning for Anthony Weiner?

First, the dishonest puff-piece feature, now a transparent “news” plug for Congressman Meat-Tweet. What’s going on here? I’ve got a few hunches about their motives, but no time to explain my theory just now. But there was time for Neutral Objective Journalism at ViralRead: The New York Times has attempted to assist Weiner’s political rehabilitation, publishing an […]

‘It’s Really Astonishing. It’s Just a Deliberate Lie From Start to Finish.’

So says Ace of Spades about the way the New York Times re-writes the history of the Anthony Weiner cybersex scandal. In a just world, Jonathan Van Meter of the New York Times — and every editor who signed off on this thoroughly dishonest article — would be fired, and effectively blackballed from the industry like Jason Blair […]

Cannibal Cop Convicted

To protect and serve — and also, eat: A New York City police officer was convicted Tuesday of charges he plotted to kidnap and cook women to dine on their “girl meat” — a macabre case that subjected jurors to often gory evidence and asked them to separate fantasy from reality. The jury reached the […]

Just in Case New York Times Readers Don’t Feel Enough White Guilt Yet …

. . . Ta-Nehisi Coates is there on the op-ed pages with a stern sermonette for them. It involves the fact that an employee of a New York deli didn’t recognize the actor Forest Whitaker and accused him of shoplifting. Coates offers a few more examples — including from before he was born — of […]

Lying by Euphemism: ‘New Revenues’

Journalism is supposed to be about truth. Jackie Calmes and Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times are engaged in deception: With Republican leaders in Congress forswearing budget negotiations over new revenues, President Obama has begun reaching around them to Republican lawmakers with a history of willingness to cut bipartisan deals. “New revenues” = INCREASING TAXE RATES. President […]

‘Patriotic Progressivism’, The Moron’s Oxymoron

by Smitty Begins beta-male Brooks: The best Inaugural Addresses make an argument for something. President Obama’s second one, which surely has to rank among the best of the past half-century, makes an argument for a pragmatic and patriotic progressivism. This country remains founded upon individual liberty. That a pack of liars over the last century […]

How to Get Jennifer Schuessler to Give You a Puff Piece in the New York Times

Obviously, it helps if you’re a Bolshevik: When Bhaskar Sunkara was growing up in Westchester County, he likes to say, he dreamed of being a professional basketball player. But the height gods, among others, didn’t smile in his favor. So in 2009, during a medical leave from his sophomore year at George Washington University, Mr. […]

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