The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Was She Too … Bossy?

Gossip swirls after New York Times publisher Pinch Sulzberger fires the paper’s top editor Jill Abramson: Sulzberger and Abramson had a fraught relationship almost from the start of her tenure as executive editor, nearly three years ago. He saw her as difficult, high-handed, and lacking in finesse in her management of people at the paper. […]

New York Times: Not Fit to Line the Cage of Any Self-Respecting Parakeet

What associations of a mass murderer are most important? In the case of the Boston Marathon bombers, the New York Times didn’t seem to think Islamic extremism was very important, but in the case of the Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooter . . . The New York Times resolutely refused to see a pattern […]

Take Paul Krugman’s Money

Paul Krugman tediously rehashes his “economic inequality” gripes: The reality of rising American inequality is stark. Since the late 1970s real wages for the bottom half of the work force have stagnated or fallen, while the incomes of the top 1 percent have nearly quadrupled (and the incomes of the top 0.1 percent have risen […]

New York Times Plays the Koch Card, Reporting Democrat ObamaCare Panic

The free market group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) opened the 2014 campaign early, running ads targeting vulnerable senators who voted for ObamaCare, as I have previously reported: Dec. 3: VIDEO: ‘ObamaCare … Just Doesn’t Work’ Jan. 2: New Ads Target Senators: ‘It’s Time to Be Honest: ObamaCare Doesn’t Work’ AFP is one of the largest […]

‘Idiocy Is Not a Zero-Sum Game’

Alabama crazy-blogger Roger Shuler. The title quote is Popehat blogger Ken White’s assessment of the Roger Shuler case as quoted in the New York Times: For over six years, Roger Shuler has hounded figures of the state legal and political establishment on his blog, Legal Schnauzer, a hothouse of furious but often fuzzily sourced allegations […]

To Answer Your Question, Seth …

“How Many American Men Are Gay?” At the New York Times? All of them. At Harvard University? All of them. So when I read in the New York Times, “Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is a contributing opinion writer who recently received a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard,” I know where he’s coming from — a world in […]

Ask NY Times Who Deserves More Pay: America’s Troops or Fast-Food Workers?

In an editorial Sunday, the New York York Times argued that America’s troops are being paid too much: Big-ticket weapons like aircraft carriers and the F-35 fighter jet have to be part of any conversation about cutting Pentagon spending to satisfy the mandatory budget reductions known as the sequester. But compensation for military personnel has […]

Weird NY Times Column: Not Supporting ObamaCare Is Slavery or Something

This is just downright bizarre: [T]he South is once again committed to taking a backward path. By refusing to expand health care for the working poor through Medicaid, which is paid for by the federal government under Obamacare, most of the old Confederacy is committed to keeping millions of its own fellow citizens in poverty […]

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