The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


— compiled by Wombat-socho Beating on the agitprop outlet formerly known as the National Newspaper of Record is a favorite pastime in the conservative blogosphere, and you could make a compelling argument that some blogs do little else. Which is not a criticism, mind you; it’s necessary work, and God bless the people that read […]

The Schmuck-tacular Folderol Of Brooks

by Smitty Via Hot Air headlines, David Brooks continues to terrify rational people with the thought that this twerp is somehow a thought leader in our society: Low idealism begins with a sturdy and accurate view of human nature. We’re all a bit self-centered, self-interested and inclined to think we are nobler than we are. […]

Brooks Threatens Gore’s Grip On “The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Read”

by Smitty Saint Albert of Gore, Lord have mercy on him and his non-grasp of weather, has never recanted from his 2010 utterance: From the standpoint of governance, what is at stake is our ability to use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption. After all has been said and so little […]

Krugman, Did You Just Argue Against People Exercising Basic Liberty?

by Smitty . . .polling suggests that support for [Scottish] independence has surged over the past few months, largely because pro-independence campaigners have managed to reduce the “fear factor” — that is, concern about the economic risks of going it alone. At this point the outcome looks like a tossup. Well, I have a message […]

Shorter Krugman: ‘Kool-Aid, Anyone?’

Delusional partisan cheerleading: Several times in recent weeks I’ve found myself in conversations with liberals who shake their heads sadly and express their disappointment with President Obama. Why? I suspect that they’re being influenced, often without realizing it, by the prevailing media narrative. The truth is that these days much of the commentary you see […]

Dateline: Fort Leavenworth

If you believe that federal prisoners serving time for multiple felonies are fit to deliver moralistic sermons to law-abiding American citizens, you should apply for a job as an editor at the New York Times, where the traitor Bradley “Chelsea” Manning is considered deserving of status as an op-ed columnist about “media freedom.” Al-Qaeda doesn’t […]

White (Liberal) Male Privilege

The Left is willing to suspend judgment and waive all standards when it comes to their allies. Feminists nowadays are up in arms about “rape culture,” but 15 years ago they were defending accused rapist Bill Clinton in no uncertain terms: “I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for […]

Fret Not: The Clinton/Warren 2016 Ticket Will Fix The VA Health Care Problem

by Smitty Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has long touted the VA system as the epitome of government-run healthcare. “Exhibit A for the advantages of government provision [of healthcare] is the veterans administration, which runs its own hospitals and clinics, and provides some of the best-quality healthcare in America at […]

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