The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hillary Is Madonna or Something

Everybody wants to play pundit nowadays. The New York Times unleashed its arts writers on the most over-analyzed election in history: “I was called a whore and a witch,” Madonna said on Friday in a searing speech about the sexism and bullying that women face in the music industry and the culture at large. “Such […]

‘The Fire Under All of This Smoke is … Barely Enough to Light a Cigar’

So says Jazz Shaw of Hot Air in addressing the “October surprise” of the New York Times report on Donald Trump’s taxes. What the Times seems to have done is to extrapolate from the documents it mysteriously obtained to guess about what might be found in documents it does not have. They assert that, because […]

The Objective Truth of @fmanjoo and the New York Times’ Partisan Bias

What is the truth about Hillary Clinton’s health and why should Americans trust the media to tell us the truth? This was a question raised last month by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in an interview on Fox News Sunday with host Shannon Bream: “She has an entire media empire that…fails to point […]

Are Women Paid Less? Try This: Supply, Demand, Some Assembly Required

Good news! “Progress” is “stalling”: Women’s median annual earnings stubbornly remain about 20 percent below men’s. Why is progress stalling? It may come down to this troubling reality, new research suggests: Work done by women simply isn’t valued as highly. . . . A new study from researchers at Cornell University found that the difference […]

Dear Feminists: You Think Too Much

Not everything has meaning. Not everything requires critical analysis. Not everything is in need of a theory to explain it. Some things are really simple. They are what they are, and the temptation to intellectualize everything should be resisted. Consider, for example, a New York Times column by Emily Witt: Who could be cynical about […]

The Motives of Moody Loners

Last month’s shooting in Chapel Hill, N.C., sparked a raging online argument over whether it was (a) an anti-Muslim hate crime or (b) a dispute over a parking space. The insistence that the motive for the crime was either one or the other omits the possibility that it was (c) both or (d) neither. The victims […]

Gail Collins Can’t Erase The Irony

by Smitty Instapundit misses the bigger gag: THIS MORNING I MENTIONED THAT GAIL COLLINS STILL HADN’T CORRECTED HER COLUMN. Now it bears this update: An earlier version of this column incorrectly stated that teacher layoffs in Milwaukee in 2010 happened because Gov. Scott Walker “cut state aid to education.” The layoffs were made by the […]

Cop-Hater Kills Two Cops in Brooklyn Ambush; NY Times Obfuscates Motive

Michelle Malkin: “Sickos on the Left have been stoking hatred against cops for months now in the wake of Ferguson and explicitly calling for their murder.” They finally got what they wanted Saturday when a cop-hater named Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley shot his ex-girlfriend near Baltimore, posted anti-cop messages on social media and drove to New […]

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