The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Speedway Bomber: 40th Anniversary of Brett Kimberlin’s Notorious Crimes

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 My podcast colleague John Hoge reminds me that this weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the Indiana crime spree that made Brett Kimberlin notorious. Two videos from WRTV:       The summary of Kimberlin’s crimes: A six-day bombing spree rocked the town of […]

Report: Brett Kimberlin and DNC Staffer Helped Push ‘Russiagate’ to Feds

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 From the Populist TV Morning Report: In an exclusive report, Lee Stranahan highlighted a Facebook post by operative Alexandra Chalupa made the day after the 2016 election where Chalupa said: “Homeland Security / DOJ teamed up with a group that is part of Anonymous […]

Death by SWATting: A Former Target’s Thoughts About a Deadly ‘Prank’

Tyler Barriss was arrested for a deadly SWATting incident this week. SWATting is attempted murder. In 2013, I was the target of a SWATting, which is a type of hoax in which someone (usually using online services that can mimic a telephone number) calls 911 to make a false report of a violent crime at […]

Patterico Vindicated: Judge Rules Against Brett Kimberlin’s Failed Federal Suit

Nearly four years after Brett Kimberlin sued Patrick Frey, myself and numerous other defendants (including Michelle Malkin, and Red State) in a bogus federal RICO suit, the case has finally concluded with Judge George Hazel granting Frey summary judgment. There was no factual basis for this suit we had dubbed Kimberlin v. the Universe, […]

Brett Kimberlin Re-Surfaces in Connection With ‘Fake News’ Anti-Trump Forgery

  John Hoge noticed that the pipsqueak pro se perjuring pipe-bomber Brett Kimberlin has made news again, and I’ve got $20 here that says Neal Rauhauser is also involved. Seems there were some Italian criminals peddling forged documents that claimed to show a billion-dollar conspiracy involving Exxon, Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson. Somehow, a former Israeli […]

‘You Have Misled the Jury’

The three-day Walker v. Kimberlin lawsuit trial ended Friday. Although the jury reportedly found that Kimberlin had committed falsehoods, this was insufficient to find in Walker’s favor. Kimberlin “won” the case, but not before the judge lectured the “Speedway Bomber” in a conference that the jury did not hear, but which was transcribed by John […]


Just got the news that Brett Kimberlin’s federal lawsuit against myself and 20 other defendants has been dismissed with prejudice. UPDATE: For reasons I don’t understand, the court has ruled that one count of Kimberlin’s case against Patrick “Patterico” Frey can proceed to discovery. Troubling. UPDATE II: From Judge Hazel’s ruling: For the reasons stated […]

Hmmm …

During a Friday hearing in Montgomery County Circuit Court, Brett Kimberlin tried and failed to persuade a judge to grant a peace order against John Hoge. During the course of that proceeding, Kimberlin introduced as “evidence” what would appear to be a deliberate misrepresentation — a printed fascimile of a Tweet by Lee Stranahan, presented […]

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