The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

To Go With The ‘Barbi Cam’

by Smitty The news of McCain’s taste for front-end venison is of course well known. Slightly less notorious is the ‘Barbie Cam’, a scarred-yet-miraculously-functional bubble gum pink affair similar to this: The Barbie Cam is rumored to have criss-crossed Europe before falling out of Skippy’s luggage: That lonely Barbie Cam may soon be joined by […]

A Note On The Comment Policy

by Smitty As we get down to crunch time on the election, the amount of consideration afforded trolls is going to be essentially none. Under less serious circumstances, we’re generally happy to go back and forth in the comments with commie degenerates; there is always a possibility of redemption. However, the next three weeks are […]

Bloggers: What Not to Do

There’s some stuff you shouldn’t do if you want to be a blogger, like make an ass out of yourself the way Tommy Christopher did in writing a “column” about the One Nation Rally. The scare-quotes around “column” are required because Tommy Christopher is such a lousy writer. Once upon a time, when columnists required the investment of […]

Be Sure To Applaud Stacy McCain For His Taste In Technology

by Smitty Longtime readers of this blog will recall that I’ve sort of been along for the ride since the Blogspot days. Stacy insisted that we should venture into the Wild Wild WordPress West, and there I was, in tow. Now, after some slight burps over the weekend, we’re bright-eyed, bushy tailed, and have not […]

Just Got Off The Phone With Stacy McCain

by Smitty Stacy is set to appear on Libertarian Politics Live at 2150 Eastern, which is 9:50 PM for you anachronistic types. I don’t know if his planned trip to Wasilla will come up, but, pending distraction by some shiny object, that’s his stated intention. I was at the Murray For Congress campaign headquarters event […]

Curses, Epithets and Obscenities

There will be no media bias in heaven, because all journalists will have cursed themselves into the fiery pit of hell. Cussing is as essential to good journalism as Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. If any generous benefactor ever wishes to endow the R.S. McCain School of Journalism, students who report on the first day […]

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