The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Turbo-Tax Tim Does 3 Sunday Shows UPDATE: Geithner Praises Obama’s ‘Incredibly Effective’ Economic Policies

The Treasury Secretary is ubiquitous on Tax Day: ABC This Week: Timothy Geithner. NBC Meet the Press: Timothy Geithner; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. CBS Face the Nation: Timothy Geithner; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. CNN State of the Union: Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee; Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Cathy […]

When the Blogosphere Gets Weird …

. . . the weird get blogging, and the past few days have kept me tied up in all kinds of “deep” stuff that prevented me from keeping up with the flow of events on the blogosphere. First there was that weirdness about the Planned Parenthood bombing in Wisconsin and the MSNBC “Republican War on Women” […]

Dude, Did You Have to Diss Ann Coulter? Also: Obama Has ‘Certainly Been Massively Disappointing to Young People’

Let’s face it: Ever since Ann Coulter volunteered as head cheerleader for Team Romney, some of Miss Coulter’s longtime conservative defenders have been under tremendous pressure to denounce her. The problem is that nearly all the people who joined the anti-Coulter movement back in the day — and I’m looking at you, Ace of Spades […]

Neutral Objective Journalism

CENTRAL, Louisiana You remember the Harris sisters, who sing the Rick Santorum campaign song “Game On”? Tonight I’m staying at the home of David, the guy who hosted the Harris sisters for three days during their tour of Louisiana. David is a pro-life Catholic and Marine veteran who says he “got roped into” the Santorum […]

It’s Past Midnight in Louisiana, and We’re Already Knee-Deep in Craziness

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana While I was driving six hours across Alabama and Mississippi to get here, and then covering Newt Gingrich’s appearance at a Tea Party forum on the LSU campus, it seems that everbody went crazy: Ed Crane went crazy on the Koch brothers, whom he accuses of trying to take over the libertarian […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: ‘Committing Acts of Journalism’

Recording a press gaggle with Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley, Steubenville, Ohio, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (Photo by Chris Moody) WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania We got to our hotel here about 1:30 a.m., after a 35-mile drive from Steubenville, Ohio, scene of last night’s victory celebration for The Next President of the United States, Rick Santorum. My 13-year-old […]

Rick Santorum On Meet The Press

by Smitty Rick Santorum does a fine job standing up to the job the American media won’t do with respect to any public figures on the Left: Santorum is using more ‘Teatard’ phrasings like ‘equality of opportunity’. Will the hefty Catholic presence in Michigan make the difference for Santorum on Tuesday? I rather hope so. […]

Did The Romney Campaign Blow It By Kicking Stacy McCain Out?

by Smitty Daily Pundit linked Stacy’s “Fear and Loathing in Romneyland“, noting: And there you have one of the disadvantages of being a journo openly in the tank for one particular candidate. OTOH, they regard Stacy as a serious enough threat to pitch his ass out of there. Eight years ago, campaigns didn’t even know […]

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