The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CNN Gets Scooped on Its Own Story
UPDATE: ACLJ Joins the Fight!

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Very busy today, awaiting developments on The Kimberlin Files. However, Da Tech Guy cleverly points out that CNN allowed Arlette Saenz of ABC to beat them on reporting this story, even though the reported SWATting of CNN on-air personality Erick Erickson was a central element of the story. For that matter, […]

Did Brett Kimberlin Stalk BlogCon? UPDATE: Confirmed or Not?

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION New developments today in the story of convicted terrorist bomber-turned-progressive activist Brett Kimberlin: Sources report that conservative New Media activists believe that Kimberlin — whose activities are funded by the tax-exempt 501(c) non-profits Velvet Revolution and the Justice Through Music Project — showed up in April at BlogCon, a conference sponsored […]

Sen. Saxby Chambliss Requests DOJ Investigate SWATting

by Smitty Stacy Called from the road somewhere to point to an ABC News story by Arlette Saenz that quotes him: Robert Stacy McCain, a contributor to the American Spectator and founder of The Other McCain Blog, wrote about Kimberlin, and shortly after, his wife’s place of employment received a phone call from Kimberlin accusing […]

Walker Files Appeal in Kimberlin Case;
Ali Akbar Says: ‘We’re Not Stopping.’

Press release from the National Bloggers Club: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 6, 2012 Contact: Ali Akbar (888) 308-3606 NATIONAL BLOGGERS CLUB ANNOUNCES THAT JAILED BLOGGER AARON WALKER HAS APPEALED AGAINST CONVICTED DOMESTIC TERRORIST BRETT KIMBERLIN WASHINGTON, DC — The National Bloggers Club, Inc. is announcing that it will continue to raise funds to provide […]

Fear and Loathing on Capitol Hill: The GOP Caucus Is Decadent and Depraved

“They are our representatives; we would like some representation.” — Ace of Spades, June 4, 2012 FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION “Where are those spineless Republican bastards in Congress when we need ’em, huh?” I shouted, trying to explain to a couple of young Beltway professionals the concept behind National Day of Blogger Silence. “They expect us […]

Ali Akbar Says, ‘World War Three’

Ali Akbar with Tea Party candidate Doug Hoffman, October 2009 FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Monday afternoon I was off the grid when Ali Akbar called to tell me that “Breitbart Unmasked” had published a photo and the address of his mother’s home in Texas in a viciously mendacious attack on the National Bloggers Club. While […]

Gauntlet Thrown Down @ali

by Smitty I cannot believe this. #BrettKimberlin‘s associates have now literally gone after my family. Prayers please. — Ali A. Akbar (@ali) June 4, 2012   Ace of Spades: National Day of Blogger Silence — This Friday On Friday, this site will be absolutely dead-silent, which is what Brett Kimberlin and his stalker crew seeks, […]

‘A Faint Whiff of Vigilante Hysteria’: Weinergate’s Kimberlin Connection

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION The phrase quoted in the title is from a Firedoglake diarist who accurately calls the Brett Kimberlin story a “complex saga, as densely peopled and subplotted as a 19th century Russian novel.” While I resent the suggestion that I’m involved in any sort of “hysteria” — vigilante or otherwise — I’m […]

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