‘Scrubbed’ Writings Show Kimberlin Associate Neal Rauhauser’s Obsessions
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Earlier this year, Neal Rauhauser “scrubbed” from the Internet several of his online writings in an apparent attempt to conceal evidence that he has been cyberstalking and harassing his enemies, including the late Andrew Breitbart, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and the group of Tea Party activists who exposed Rauhauser’s role in the […]
Team Kimberlin’s Busted Hustle Now Beginning to Unravel Rapidly
UPDATE: Perhaps Not a Coincidence
‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 “Who wants to get involved? Easier, and surely safer, just to duck one’s head and hide, and hope the danger visits someone else.” — Ace of Spades, “Kitty Genovese and the Conservative Media,” May 21 FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Until a month ago, Brett […]
What? Paul Lemmen Challenges My Title to ‘King of Butt-Hurt’ Championship?
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION And, indeed, he’s got a right to complain about not receiving appropriate recognition: Nota Bene to those who are using the intel I gathered and shared without so much as a hat tip or other acknowledgment of my involvement: You’re welcome. I know you probably simply forgot where you got those […]
Neal Rauhauser’s Game Plan Involving Velvet Revolution and Anonymous
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Neal Rauhauser is crazy and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, and his boastful arrogance has been his downfall before. So it is again. In a message posted in the comments of a blog in October 2011, Rauhauser explained that he and someone he describes as “a very big dog […]
Neal Rauhauser’s Online Slander Factory
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Lee Stranahan has obtained e-mails sent privately by Brett Kimberlin’s demented associate Neal Rauhauser in which Rauhauser makes what would appear to be false and defamatory statements about a number of individuals, including Patrick “Patterico” Frey: Someone was funding Seth [Allen] and it was either John Patrick Frey, or Aaron Walker. […]
‘Real Reporter’ @NYT_JenPreston vs. Blogger @Prepostericity (Seth Allen)
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Last night — as everybody on the blogosphere is now aware — Juan Williams got all snotty with Michelle Malkin on the Sean Hannity show: “I’m a real reporter, not a blogger out in the blogosphere somewhere.” Which is to say, he’s got a job at Fox News after having gotten […]
Patterico: ‘Certain Big Media Reporters Are Scared to Write About Kimberlin’
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION When I read that sentence, it brought me up short. “Scared”? Is Patrick Frey referring to Jen Preston of the New York Times, whose coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal was controversial? Brett Kimberlin’s online attack dog Neal Rauhauser has claimed to have a good relationship with Preston — he CC’d her in […]
Time to Ask: What Did Brett Kimberlin Know and When Did He Know It?
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Following up on the tipster who tells Brooks Baynes he has identified one of Neal Rauhauser’s “beandogs” as a prime suspect in the SWATting of conservatives, please take time to examine — also via Brooks Bayne — the e-mail Rauhauser sent to SWATting victim Mike Stack on May 24. This involves, […]
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