The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Columbia Journalism Review Is (Still) Depraved and Decadent

“In the context of journalism, here, we are dealing with a new kind of ‘lead’ — the Symbiotic Trapezoid Quote. The Columbia Journalism Review will never sanction it; at least not until the current editor dies of brain syphilis, and probably not even then. “What? “Do we have a libel suit on our hands? “Probably not, […]

Hereditary Genius

Reagan, 9, and Emerson, 11, with their Dad at the Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Va. FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Among the numerous hassles which convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin imposed on my family with his “I-know-where-you-live” call to my wife’s employer was the necessity of disposing of our old refrigerator. This meant moving the refrigerator down […]

Neal Rauhauser Boasts of Access to Secret Congressional Staff ‘Policy Intel’ Network UPDATE: Don’t Believe the Hype?

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Brooks Bayne at the Trenches quotes an April 2012 text message reportedly sent by Brett Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser: “Keep in mind policy intel for 700+ Congressional staffers runs through a system I built and I back up the natsec editor. I hear stuff average bear does not.“ Bayne interprets the […]

‘Concentrated Campaign of Harassment … to Terrorize People into Silence’
UPDATE: Parallels to Rauhauser

Alyssa Rosenberg at Think Progress is against such online harasssment when it’s directed at a feminist named Anita Sarkesian. So maybe we can get Alyssa Rosenberg to take notice of online harasssment aimed at conservative women by her progressive friends? Probably not. Perhaps Alyssa Rosenberg can ask Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin or S.E. Cupp what manner […]

Aaron Walker (and Freedom) Win Maryland Appeal vs. Brett Kimberlin

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION A courtroom victory today in Montgomery County Circuit Court, reported by Dave Hogberg, witnessed by John Hoge, explained by Aaron Walker, and mourned by pro-Kimberlin troll Occupy Rebellion. Witnesses report that Neal Rauhauser was in court with Kimberlin, at one point handing him documents.

When ‘Jessica’ Was 10, 11, 12

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 “For three consecutive summers, 1974 through 1976, they took vacations of a week or longer in Disney World, Mexico, and Hawaii. Sandi couldn’t get time off from work, so on these summer trips it was just the two of them — Brett and Jessica. […]

Brandon Darby Defamed by Kimberlin Associate Neal Rauhauser; Pursues ‘All Legal Remedies’ Against SWATting Charge

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION columnist Brandon Darby plans to pursue a defamation lawsuit against a Democratic political consultant who accused Darby of perpetrating so-called “SWATtings” that have targeted several conservative activists in the past year. Darby says that Neal Rauhauser falsely accused him of involvement in SWATtings, a dangerous type of illegal hoax that results in […]

Freedom Is Under Attack: Help the National Bloggers Club Fight Back

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Several Twitter accounts associated with the Brett Kimberlin/Neal Rauhauser axis unleashed a torrent of attacks yesterday against Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Club. Exactly what prompted those attacks, I’m not sure, but the National Bloggers Club has given important support to Aaron Walker in his defense against Kimberlin’s “lawfare” harassment and now […]

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