EXCLUSIVE: Kimberlin Associate Neal Rauhauser Accuses Brandon Darby of Fake SWAT Calls, ‘Obstruction of Justice’
A Democrat political consultant with ties to convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has accused Breitbart.com contributor Brandon Darby of making fake SWAT calls against conservative bloggers. In a thousand-word document sent to government officials, Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser accuses Darby of conspiring with a number of others — including employees of Republican consulting firm Hynes Communications — […]
NYMag Plays The Race Card On #YouDidntDoThat
by Smitty Raaaaacism, like flatus, is often closest to the emitter: The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped […]
Barack Obama Is the Antichrist — and Other Neutral Objective Facts
“I agree with the late Hunter S. Thompson that a lot of what passes for ‘objective journalism’ is bullshit. . . . The reason so many Americans hate the news media is because so many supposedly ‘objective’ journalists are transparently dishonest in what they’re doing.” — Robert Stacy McCain, April 16, 2009 The futile pursuit […]
Did Someone Say ‘Beandogs’?
Nice Deb invokes the magic word to describe the harassment of The Lonely Conservative, and let’s notice something in the list of methods: They’ve told me to slit my own throat. They’ve called me every foul name you can think of. They’ve insulted my husband, accused me of molesting my children and threatened to report me to […]
Because Liars Hate Truth
Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “Facts don’t matter, that’s the perception of the situation, and the world is going to act on that basis.” — Neal Rauhauser, “Gaped Crusader,” Nov. 26, 2011 “Neal’s antics were sufficiently disturbing enough to result in a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation. What the psychiatrist found […]
How’s Your Gaelic, Neal Rauhauser?
In the past week or so, readers may have noticed that I’ve relented in my non-stop blogging about convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin and his demented associate Neal Rauhauser. On July 5, when Judge Rupp’s ruling restored Aaron Walker’s First Amendment rights, I figured this ended the original emergency that drew my attention on May 17. My […]
Brett Kimberlin: ‘I Want to Be Left Alone’
Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison “Brett C. Kimberlin schemed to elude justice with a series of bizarre plots designed to murder, maim and rob his enemies, create havoc . . . and discredit the chief government prosecutor.” — Joe Gelarden, “Kimberlin case a maze of murder, deceit,” Indianapolis […]
East Coast Opium Kingpin Alex Pareene Writes About ‘Standard-Issue Right-Wing Character Assassination’ of Kimberlin
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Far be it from me to give credence to unsubstantiated (perhaps entirely satirical) allegations that Alex Pareene is the “East Coast kingpin of the Cambodian opium traffic,” but when I consider that Pareene credulously repeats assertions made by convicted perjurer Brett Kimberlin and the “Breitbart Unmasked” site while treating my own […]
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