Walker v. Kimberlin Case Moves Forward
“Kimberlin is an inveterate and shameless liar, who was convicted of perjury before he graduated high school and who has been called a ‘top-flight con man.’ It is an injustice and a disgrace that an infamous criminal like Kimberlin should be permitted to continue harassing such an innocent and honorable citizen of Virginia as Aaron […]
The ‘Accuse the Accusers’ Strategy: Attempting to Explain Social Engineering
If I told you what inspired this, you wouldn’t believe it. Remember that on May 17, I was planning to go cover the G-8 Summit when I saw a blog post by Aaron Walker that caused me to change my mind: This was a story more interesting and newsworthy than whatever I might have reported […]
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Lee Stranahan is already pursuing legal action against Bill Schmalfeldt, aka “Liberal Grouch,” a blogger who apparently decided to make his bid for online immortality by assisting the attacks on enemies of what I’ve called the Kimberlin-Rauhauser axis. Stranahan says Schmalfeldt has made grievously defamatory accusations against him, the accuracy of which Stranahan disputes, and […]
Speaking of Distractions …
. . . the Obamaphiliac media has spent today trying to convince us that what Mitt Romney said about Obama’s self-inflicted foreign policy debacle is actually a worse disaster than the failed policy itself. Here is Mitt Romney’s statement: “Americans woke up this morning with tragic news and felt heavy hearts as they considered that individuals […]
Speaking of Terrorists …
. . . it’s the 11th anniversary of 9/11, and the Truthers are blaming Bush again. Jimmie Bise Jr. says he’ll take the Truthers to the woodshed tonight on his award-winning podcast, The Delivery: @ozarkfaye I’m going to light into the whole stinking bunch of them tomorrow on my show. My dander is right the […]
Kimberlin-Rauhauser Axis Targets Romney Campaign Staffer Bill Murphy
Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison Brett Kimberlin’s non-profit 501(c)4 Velvet Revolution is part of an apparent effort to destroy Mitt Romney’s online rapid-response team by targeting Bill Murphy, a young Internet operative who has helped improve the campaign’s social-media presence. In an item posted Saturday on the Democratic […]
Neal Rauhauser Again? Yet Another Conspiracy Theory Smear Emerges
Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference When last we encountered Neal Rauhauser, the “TwitterGate” instigator and Brett Kimberlin associate was e-mailing false and defamatory claims about Brandon Darby to public officials, including law enforcement agencies and members of Congress. There was a remarkable resemblance between Rauhauser’s crazytalk smear of Darby and […]
Brett Kimberlin Will Have to Answer Questions Under Penalty of Perjury
As a definition of “more fun than a barrel of monkeys,” I think that will do, don’t you? Aaron Walker’s attorney Dan Backer has served interrogatories in Walker’s lawsuit against Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert: Kimberlin has been served with discovery and has twenty-one days in which to comply. And we won’t be revealing […]
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