The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Continuing Newsworthiness of the Weird Kimberlin-Rauhauser Story

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison “Keep in mind that Rauhauser, by inciting Nadia Naffe’s lawsuit against Patterico, has obligated Patterico to avoid writing about this subject on advice of counsel, and Aaron Walker‘s attorneys have advised him likewise. So two of the bloggers most knowledgeable about what I […]

Neal Rauhauser Goes Dark?
UPDATE: Law Enforcement?

UPDATE 4:45 p.m. ET: At least two people who have been following this story tell me they suspect the unexplained disappearance of Neal Rauhauser’s blog may be a consequence of a criminal investigation. While these explanations are merely speculative at this point, one possibility is that Rauhauser has attracted FBI attention because of his involvement […]

Auto-Marginalization: @BrooksBayne Decides to Jew-Bait (!) Aaron Walker

Did I ever mention that I was friends with the late Sam Francis? That I have shaken hands with Pat Buchanan and once interviewed the late Joe Sobran? I’m bringing this up — doing “guilt-by-association” against myself, as it were — to make the point that I’ve hung out with Thought Criminals of the Dreadnaught class, the kind […]

U.S. District Court in Maryland Dismisses Walker v. Kimberlin Federal Lawsuit

Just got this from an attorney for Aaron Walker, reporting that the federal lawsuit against Brett Kimberlin was dimssed today: The court decided to duck the entire matter as a “dispute between political enemies”, and we disagree with his assessment as to the Court’s inability to grant the remedies sought. We disagree with the ruling […]

‘Neal Sounded Weird’ — Did Rauhauser Interfere in a Texas Harassment Case?

Becca J. Lower has transcribed a BlogTalk Radio interview that Heather Chase did with Lee Stranahan. The backstory of the situation involved is convoluted in the extreme, and requires this brief explanation: In June, it was revealed that one of the leaders of an anti-Rush Limbaugh boycott (Matt “Shoq” Edelstein) had claimed connections to top Obama re-election officials during a conference […]

Pray for Ten Thousand Angels

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” Well, how’s your Thanksgiving weekend going, huh? Yesterday, Bill Schmalfeldt harassed me all day long on Twitter, at one point sending me 20 messages in less than an hour. Schmalfeldt was inordinately proud of merging his former site (which he used to smear Aaron Walker, Lee […]

‘Tidy’ and Other Rauhauser Signatures

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference Everybody has writing habits, and people tend to develop a recognizable style. For example, some people have trouble distinguishing “it’s” (contraction of it is) from “its” (possessive of it) or “you’re”/”your,” and repeated errors of that kind become a sort of fingerprint by which […]

@Karoli: Weiner Truther? And Other Questions of Remaining Interest

“I am here today to again apologize for the personal mistakes I have made and the embarrassment I have caused.” — Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), announcing his resignation from Congress, June 15, 2011 Two days ago, I called attention to an article by Karoli, a Crooks and Liars contributor, who wrote an article in defense […]

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