Peace Order Against Bill Schmalfeldt: A Defeat for the ‘Troll Rights’ Movement
Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland John Hoge has the peace order granted today by Maryland Judge Thomas Stansfield, forbidding Bill Schmalfeldt from contacting Hoge. People who have followed this story know that, in June 2012, Schmalfeldt began cyberstalking Aaron Walker, whose legal conflicts with Brett Kimberlin had become a subject of widespread public attention. […]
Should IRS Standards for 501(c) Groups Require Proof of ‘Social Welfare’ Purpose?
That’s what “many Democrats” seem to be saying: “Partisanship or the perception of politics has no place in the IRS,” acting commissioner Steven Miller said in a brief opening statement to the Ways and Means Committee . . . And many Democrats turned to what they saw as the bigger issue: A tax code that […]
Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser recently admitted in a complaint to my office that he introduced [Nadia] Naffe to attorney Jay Leiderman . . . “In the same document, Rauhauser declared that if Naffe is successful, he believes it will put an end to my […]
Dog Bites Man; Man Rapes Girl: Journalism and Other Crimes
Just a couple of innocent victims of homophobic bigotry? There is a basic rule of journalism — a rule that has nothing to do with politics whatsoever — that if a dog bites a man, that’s not news. News is when a man bites a dog. That is to say, newsworthy events are by definition […]
E-Mail From a Former Maryland Resident to Howard County (Md.) State’s Attorney
REQUESTING STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT POLICY Monday, April 8, 2013 1:22 PM From: To: Cc: Dear Sirs: As I am certain you are now aware, it has been reported that the office of Howard County State’s Attorney has refused to prosecute persons accused of online harassment, in apparent contravention of Maryland Criminal Statutes […]
Harassment Is Not Journalism
Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” “If you’re so concerned about your safety, don’t come to Maryland.” — Jim Brewer, Howard County (Md.) Assistant State’s Attorney Bill Schmalfeldt has directed 20+ unsolicited hostile Tweets at me in past 2 hours; he’s now objecting to being called “cyberstalker.” — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) […]
Bill Schmalfeldt’s Very Bad Idea
UPDATE: Maryland Resident Brandishes AR-15, Recently Banned in Maryland UPDATE: Schmalfeldt’s Gun Is a Toy UPDATE: No, Says Schmalfeldt, He’s Actually Armed; Dangerous? Maybe
Bill Schmalfeldt never gets any good ideas, so it takes a particularly bad idea for me even to bother noticing. Remember, Schmalfeldt is the guy who got banned from Daily Kos for his grossly offensive writings about anal sex. Schmalfeldt is habitually dishonest, and one of his most heinous lies involved a vicious attack on […]
Rainy Day D.C. Getaway: Did Kimberlin Send a Photo-Stalker to CPAC Blog Bash?
Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison WASHINGTON, D.C. The piped-in music in this taco shop seems to be set to ’80s punk-pop — currently “Rock This Town” by the Stray Cats — which isn’t an ideal working environment. Of course, I’ve filed from enough bars, McDonald’s and airport terminals […]
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