The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Game That Homey Does Not Play

Homey says, ‘I don’t think so.’ A friend e-mailed me in reference to Matt Osborne‘s (absurd) claim that the identity of someone calling himself “Watchful Avenger” is a matter crucial to the Brett Kimberlin story. Having never paid any attention to this at all, I replied to the e-mail: It’s ridiculous, of course, for anyone […]

Where the Brett Kimberlin Story Started UPDATE: Neal Rauhauser’s ‘TwitterGate’

Today, I found myself scratching my head at accusations made by liberal blogger Matt Osborne to the effect that the Brett Kimberlin story is actually about Kimberlin’s enemies: Correspondents like Robert Stacy McCain and Lee Stranahan lack any journalistic integrity, however, which is why they spew these fables at high volume and then insist they […]

Why Isn’t Craig Richard Gillette’s Name on the Maryland Sex Offender Registry?

As we now know, Craig Richard Gillette pleaded guilty to a federal child pornography charge in 1999. One would think such a conviction would require Gillette, a spokesman for Brett Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project, to register as a sex offender. Yet a search of the Maryland Sex Offender Registry does not show a listing […]

OMFG: Did Brett Kimberlin’s Buddy Cop a Plea on Child Pornography Charges?

Craig Richard Gillette was detained by bailiffs after Tuesday’s Maryland hearing where Tetyana Kimberlin was granted a protective order against her estranged husband Brett Kimberlin. Gillette has long been associated with Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project. It was Gillette who showed up outside this year’s CPAC “Blog Bash” to photograph the bloggers in attendance. […]

#WarOnWoman Does Anybody Care That Tetyana Kimberlin Fears for Her Life?

.@FBI arrest 150 people in child sex charges? Could you make it 151? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 29, 2013 “Brett Kimberlin is a terrorist. While I firmly believe in the doctrine of redemption and conversion, I remember a few things about Brett that give me great pause. “First, he was convicted […]


ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND Last night I told readers I was going on a road trip to cover a big story — but I didn’t tell you how big it was going to be: Brett Kimberlin, the convicted bomber-turned progressive activist, had sex with his wife when she was only 15, according to charges filed Monday in […]

Some Creepy People Get Arrested, and Speaking of Brett Kimberlin …

. . . John Hoge reports something interesting about how certain Web domains are hosted in the Netherlands: Of course, using an off-shore ISP allows Team Kimberlin to avoid having the actual identity of the person or organization responsible for the domain being identified through a subpoena to the ISP. The Netherlands, huh? That struck […]

Also, You’re Not Cynical Enough

My advice: Never volunteer advice. If people wanted your advice, they would (a) ask you for it, and (b) pay you for it. @LeadershipInst — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 19, 2013 The two most important questions in any contract are: What’s in it for me? and What’s in it for them? Caveat emptor. Honesty […]

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