Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Why Can’t He Explain His Cyberstalking?
Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) Monday, the state’s attorney’s office in Maryland announced that it would not prosecute Bill Schmalfeldt for violating the peace order that prohibits Schmalfeldt from directly contacting John Hoge. And so this afternoon, Schmalfeldt sent this message on Twitter: Isn’t that rather a specific list of […]
Brett Kimberlin Lies About His Crimes
‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 Matthew Vadum reminds us of something we should never forget: “One of the blasts horribly maimed a man so badly that it directly led to that man’s suicide a few years later, which was proven when the widow of that bombing victim successfully sued […]
Popcorn! Amazon Sells Delicious Popcorn!
Headline at “Kimberlin Unmasked”: Proof That Writing Truthfully About Brett Kimberlin Could Make You A Target One of five named defendants in the lawsuit Kimberlin has filed in Montgomery County, Maryland, the identity of Kimberlin Unmasked so far remains unknown, but you can follow him or her on Twitter. Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced […]
The following joint statement has been authorized: Convicted felon Brett Kimberlin has filed a Maryland lawsuit naming bloggers Aaron Walker, W. J. J. Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain, National Bloggers Club President Ali A. Akbar and the anonymous blogger “Kimberlin Unmasked” as defendants. The defendants believe that the suit is without merit and is part of […]
Kimberlin v. Kimberlin: Tetyana’s Lawyer Defeats the Perjuring Criminal Sociopath
John Hoge has a brief preliminary account of today’s Maryland court hearing in the dueling actions between Tetyana Kimberlin and her estranged husband, convicted felon Brett Kimberlin. Full transcripts of the proceedings and relevant background will be published in due time, but the most important lesson of today’s hearing is this: Kimberlin, a cunning and […]
LOL! @NealRauhauser’s Demand to @Twitter: ‘No More Fun of Any Kind!’ UPDATE: Neal Deletes His Plan (Lulz)
What a buzzkill this guy is, huh? So there I was, having stirred up a hornet’s nest with my “atheist sex scandal” post. My quarrel with a young renegade Baptist named Sarah Jones had just reached the point where the whole “neo-Confederate” thing came up and — boom! — somebody sends me a link to […]
Can @Karoli Block the Entire Internet?
It’s always funny to watch liberals attempting to think. Of course, if they were rational, they wouldn’t be liberals, and so when you deal with someone like Karoli Kuns, it’s kind of like peeling an onion of error: One layer of mistakes, and under that a layer of lies, and when you peel that away, […]
Vile Lie-Peddler @Karoli Kuns and the Posthumous Vindication of Breitbart
“Liberal bias is not a matter of unfairness, but rather a matter of dishonesty — deliberately ignoring some facts, and misrepresenting other facts, in order to misinform the public by portraying to them a politically falsified view of events and personalities. If there were ever any honest person employed by the New York Times (we […]
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