The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Enlisting Alice Cooper To Respond To The Prospect Of Another Romney Candidacy

by Smitty Varying his meaning slightly:

Multimedia Hijinkery

— by Wombat-socho The reading has been slack this week because I’ve gotten sucked into Ingress, a vile plot by Niantic Labs (a startup within Google) to get slack, nerdy sorts such as myself out from behind their desks and encourage us to tromp around the landscape to various “portals” and either capture them for […]

The Stupid Goes All the Way to Eleven

@LynnParramore has a Ph.D. in English and cultural theory from New York University. Last week, Parramore made a complete fool of herself by writing a column about a grocery store playing the Rolling Stones 1966 song “Under My Thumb”: As I listened, I thought about how the song plays in the wake of Elliot Rodger’s killing […]

Dumb Songs of Classic Rock

When I’m in the car, I like to listen to the “Classic Hits” radio station — basically, rock-and-roll from the 1970s, which was the pinnacle, as far as I’m concerned. Amid all the great music from that great era, however, there are some songs that make you scratch your head in mystification: “How did that […]

Virginia’s Overarching Shame Revealed: Dave Matthews #1?

by Smitty According to this Time article, Dave Matthews is Virginia’s favorite musician. By that map, I need to move to Delaware, which fancies Rush, no doubt as an act of Joe Biden compensation. In fairness to Matthews, he’s funny. Here he is impersonating Ozzy Ozbourne, while Hader impersonates him. Dave Matthews as Ozzy Osbourne […]

‘Nobody Matters Less to Our Society Than Young Black Women. Nobody.’

The headline quote is from a very long Village Voice interview with former Chicago Sun-Times reporter Jim DeRogatis about the sexual accusations against pop singer R. Kelly. Since the release of the singer’s latest album, Black Panties, DeRogatis has quite evidently become angry at the way Kelly’s predatory conduct has been glossed over, or even […]

Thursday Evening Silliness

— by Wombat-socho FOR SCIENCE! (h/t some bird owner on Facebook)

R.S. McCain’s Thesis, That Rock Died With Bonham, Is ‘Climate Change’ For Music

by Smitty Watch Rush working out to “Headlong Flight” off of their recent “Clockwork Angels”. This is one merits going full screen.:

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