The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Raiders of the Lost Pretty Baby’?

Ace of Spades stumbled across transcripts of the brainstorming sessions that led to the Indiana Jones movies, and the backstory of this dialogue: Marion Ravenwood: “I was too young, it was wrong and you knew it.” Indiana Jones: “You knew what you were doing.” Ace says: “I assumed it was actually Contrived Filler Dialogue To […]

Ed Said Nix Flick: Odd ‘Squad’ Cop Flop, Mugs Thugs With Lame Gang Bang-Bang

Ed Morrisey pans the new movie Gangster Squad as an all-star ripoff: Contrast this with The Untouchables, which I think is overrated but at least addressed the moral issue of crossing the line between law enforcement and thuggery.  For that matter, skip The Untouchables and watch the infinitely superior L.A. Confidential , which dealt with […]

Michael Moore’s Politics of Prejudice

Tonight, surfing around the channels, I happened onto Current TV — the progressive network that environmentally concerned Al Gore just sold to the oil-rich sheikhs of Qatar — and the network was showing Michael Moore’s 2009 documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story. Watching it, I noticed that Michael Moore wasn’t really trying to explain what caused the mortgage […]

‘Learning French,’ IYKWIMAITYD

Valérie Allain as Mireille Belleau in French in Action (1987) “Many have criticized the depiction of Mireille as gratuitously sexist. The camera often lingers on the actress’s chest and bare legs. ‘You’re seeing the videotape through a male gaze,’ said one female teaching assistant who asked not to be identified.” — New York Times, March […]

Left Celebrates ‘Hating Breitbart’ Opening by Acting Like the A–holes They Are

Tonight my co-blogger Smitty is going to see the new Andrew Marcus documentary Hating Breitbart for the first time. I’ve seen it twice — at the world premiere at the Republican convention in Tampa and at the D.C. preview showing Oct. 8. Last night at the first commercial showing of the film in D.C., a fanatical Breitbart-hater […]

Movie Rated ‘R’ for Scene in Which Breitbart Rapes the Media Narrative

Tonight is the DC premiere of Andrew Marcus’s excellent new documentary, Hating Breitbart, which gets some unexpected free publicity: Producers of the biographical documentary “Hating Breitbart” got news last week that their film received an “R” rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. And with that move official Hollywood, long the preserve of liberal […]


WARNING: This film is not yet rated and depicts a horrific nightmare vision so frightening I hesitate even to describe it: OBAMA’S AMERICA 2016 Four More Years of Unimaginable Terror! Coming Soon to a Nation Near You?

A Tale Of Two Reviews

by Smitty Emphasis mine throughout. John Nolte is just a little bit gushing about the Dark Night Rises: But unlike so many who disguise their resentment and hatred for America through the lie that criticism somehow equals patriotism, Nolan’s love for this country is without qualifiers and symbolized in all its unqualified sincerity in the […]

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