The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Will the New SJW ‘Ghostbusters’ Be a ‘Disaster of Biblical Proportions’?

“While the new ‘Ghostbusters’ successfully empowers female movie stars, that’s not the movie’s selling point. However, it’s the only justification for its existence. . . . “At the end of the day, no amount of culturally enlightened intentions can rescue another undercooked studio product.” — Eric Kohn, IndieWire The early reviews of the new SJW […]

‘The Children of Alinsky’

  Anita Moncrief was one of the major sources who helped expose the radical group ACORN. A friend of the late Andrew Breitbart, now Anita is planning to expose the radical influence of Saul Alinsky: Decades after the death of “Rules for Radical” author and community organizer, Saul Alinsky, his vision has become reality. Alinsky believed that […]

Feminists Demand Quotas for Award Nominations at Cannes Film Festival

What does “equality” mean? This is the question people fail to ask when they accept the claim that feminism is simply about equality. Most people think of “equality” as a synonym for fairness, and are willing to agree to a definition of feminism as equality, because everybody is in favor of fairness, right? If you […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Deadpool

— compiled by Wombat-socho So I finally got around to seeing the much-anticipated, er, superhero movie this afternoon, and it was everything the trailers promised AND MORE. Hilarious. Ultra-violent. Touching. Brutal – it was all these things, and unlike previous Marvel comic-book movies, it was not one to take your children to. In fact, I’m […]

Rave Review for ’13 Hours’

  John Nolte (@NolteNC) at Breitbart’s Big Hollywood: Director Michael Bay’s riveting, heartbreaking, and infuriating “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” opens with five simple words: “This Is a True Story.” What it should have read was, “This Is a True Story The Media Has Covered Up For Years.” God damn these people to […]

With The Master Of The Hounds:
The Hugo Nominees

— by Wombat-socho It’s been highly amusing reading Brad Torgersen’s blog lately, what with the recent public meltdown of Sasquan GoH David Gerrold, Arthur Chu “helping” NPR with a hamfisted report on the goings-on, and other hilarity. Looming in the background, of course, is the steady increase in supporting memberships resulting from #GamerGate taking notice […]

Less-Than-Surprising Praise

To say @AlisonWillmore enjoyed the new Reese Witherspoon movie is like saying a 13-year-old boy enjoys masturbation. Reese Witherspoon Plays The Year’s Most Satisfying Female Character In “Wild” The headline was sufficiently orgasmic I actually tried to read Ms. Willmore’s gooey wetness of a review and gathered that Wild is one of those dull movies […]


— by Wombat-socho I was extremely fortunate to get a comp ticket to see Interstellar at the National Air & Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center out by Dulles; first because the theater there is one of those ginormous IMAX installations, and second because Interstellar is a pretty good movie. Christopher Nolan deserves a lot of credit […]

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