The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘You Sent Me to Whore School!’

  That’s a line from Red Sparrow, the latest “strong woman” tale from Hollywood, a genuinely wretched movie starring Jennifer Lawrence. After watching the trailer for that and other recent films, Professor Ann Althouse has seen enough of this toxic cultural sludge: Notice how they all have strong female characters at the center but everything […]

Bad Movies and Robert De Niro (and Why Donald Trump Is Not Literally Hitler)

  In March 1975, Robert De Niro was 31 years old when he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his breakthrough role as young Vito Corleone in The Godfather, Part II. Leslie Mann was barely 3 years old at the time, and there was something distinctly weird about Mann, now 44, being cast […]

Irony Much? Tranny @SmartAssJen Says Movies Lack ‘Extraordinary’ Women

  You have to wonder what psychological defect would inspire transgender activist Jen Richards to send out a tweet suggesting that “extraordinary” men are rare, while “extraordinary” women are everywhere. Given that Richards is not actually female, how does this appear — that is, to people who aren’t as reflexively anti-male as Richards, like the […]

Star and Co-Writer of Slave Revolt Movie Were Accused of Raping Girl in College

Nate Parker (left) and Jean Celestin (right) were Penn State wrestling teammates. A much-praised new movie about an 1831 slave revolt, which had been considered a possible Oscar contender, is in trouble because of revelations that the film’s star and director was accused of raping an 18-year-old college student in 1999. Birth of a Nation […]

Following SJW ‘Ghostbusters’ Disaster, Next Feminists Will Ruin ‘Oceans 11’

The feminist desecration of Ghostbusters will lose $70 million for Sony Pictures, according to current estimates. The misconceived and badly executed political travesty opened at #2 at the box office its first week, but dropped rapidly to #5 the second week, #8 last week and is likely to fall from the top 10 by next week. […]

SJW ‘Ghostbusters’ Flops to No. 8

  The feminist remake of Ghostbusters has predictably failed at the box office. After opening at No. 2 its first weekend ($46 million gross in the U.S., behind The Secret Life of Pets), last weekend the ‘busters went bust, tumbling all the way to No. 5 ($21 million). This was a one-week decline of 54% […]

Man-Hater @AlannaBennett Promotes #Ghostbusters as Feminist Revenge

  Alanna Bennett is the kind of selfish feminist who attends elite Oberlin College (annual tuition $50,586) and then spends the rest of her life angry because nobody gives her as much pity as she feels she deserves. “As a professional writer, my life now is stuffed with privileges I’ve longed for since I found out they […]

FLOP! New Feminist ‘Ghostbusters’ Toys Already on Clearance Before Movie Opens

    The question about the feminist remake of Ghostbusters now seems to be not whether the movie will fail, but how bad its failure will be: Toys for the new movie are already on clearance shelves in stores across the country. While Sony and many media outlets would have you believe that the early […]

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