Defeatist Peaceniks Upset That Obama Isn’t Losing Afghanistan War Fast Enough
That’s not the headline on the Politico story, but it could be: The president and congressional critics, long on a collision course over the war in Afghanistan, are hurtling ever faster toward each other since the ouster of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and doves on Capitol Hill are feeling a little tougher right now. The anti-war […]
Gen. McChrystal Relieved of Command
This was predictable: President Obama has relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his command in Afghanistan, administration officials said. Obama will make the official announcement in a few minutes. UPDATE: Gen. Petraeus has been asked to take over in Afghanistan. UPDATE II: Sissy Willis on Twitter: The slur “General Betray Us” was coined by Keith Olbermann. And the […]
Worthy Of Review In The Case Of General McChrystal
by Smitty There is precious little I have to add to the discussion. But I know someone who does: “Now, you sunsabitches: you know how I feel.”
If McChrystal Is McArthur . . .
. . . in this analogy, then I guess Barack Obama is trying to be Harry Truman: The top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has been summoned to the White House to explain biting and unflattering remarks he made to a freelance writer about President Barack Obama and others in the Obama administration. The […]
D-Day: Remembering the Bedford Boys
June 6 is a day of remembrance in the Shenandoah Valley town of Bedford, Virginia, home of the National D-Day Memorial. One of the questions most frequently asked about the Memorial is, “Why Bedford?” You see, there was a local Virginia National Guard unit that was mobilized in February 1941, and the D-Day Memorial site […]
Intellectuals: Smarter Than God?
Robert Knight takes a hard look at the elite punditocracy’s slow slide into moral relativism: On ABC’s This Week on May 30, [George] Will agreed with colleague Matthew Dowd that apart from a few glitches, homosexuality will soon be a non-issue in the military. . . . Will: “For people of Matt’s son’s generation, being gay […]
Memorial Day: Virginia Third-Graders Sing ‘Thank You, Soldiers’
Thank you, oh, thank you, Men and women, brave and strong! To those who served so gallantly, We sing this grateful song! Thanks to Dave at Point of a Gun for finding this video featuring third-graders at Tussing Elementary School in Colonial Heights, Va.
Another Classic Charlie Crist Flip-Flop: From Homophobic Closet Case to
Pro-Gays-in-the-Military Closet Case
Gay-rights activists might consider this “progress.” Republican can congratulate themselves on being rid of the beau ideal of transparent bogusness: Charlie Crist, who previously opposed repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell when he was a Republican . . . will now support the repeal compromise . . . . Until recently, Crist had been saying that […]
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