Allen West: A Firm ‘No’ on Budget Deal
by Smitty The Hill has it briefly, Liberty Pundits picked it up, and Cubachi elaborates with a Fox clip elaborating on his opposition: West is such a mensch he scared Debbie Wasserman-Schultz out of the Florida delegation. Given sufficient Allen West clones, I think the country’s problems are solveable. The question would move to where […]
Facts Are Stubborn Things
Following up on this morning’s radio debate with Little Miss Attila, I found myself interrogated in the comments by Attila’s ally, Darleen Click of Protein Wisdom, who now wants to debate women in the military. This endless appetite for argument — the women’s point being that any man who criticizes feminism qua feminism must be wrong […]
Sir Andrew of Rubesville
No sooner does Kevin Drum claim ownership of his gullibility — one tenable option for Obama’s anti-war leftist supporters — than Andrew Sullivan mounts his high horse in protest: Many of us supported this president because he promised to bring back the constitutional balance after the theories of Yoo, Delahunty, et al put the president […]
Try to Act Surprised
You know how, when somebody gives you a gift and for some reason you already knew what they were going to give you, as a courtesy you make a point of acting surprised anyway? “A sweater! Wow! Aunt Mary, how thoughtful of you!” Byron York just gave you a sweater: Evidence is emerging that United […]
Military Gay Training
This is going to work out real smooth: Four branches of the military have begun sending training material to 2.2 million active and reserve troops as a prelude to opening the ranks to gays, with instructions on, for example, what to do if an officer sees two male Marines kissing in a shopping mall. Key […]
The Truly Pathetic Thing Is …
. . . Obama never could have gotten elected without these kooks: Just a bunch of mainstream moderate American swing voters. Meanwhile, Dennis Kucinich says the president has committed an “impeachable offense.” Apparently, Kucinich has discovered that there is this thing called a “Constitution” for which Obama has no respect. It took more than two years for […]
OPERATION ODYSSEY DAWN: U.S. Launches Attacks on Targets in Libya
The first Tomahawk cruise missiles hit about 3 p.m. ET today: Military strikes by the U.S. and its allies against targets in Libya Saturday have “severely disabled” Libyan leader’s Muammar al-Qaddafi’s air defenses, a U.S. official confirms to Fox News. . . . The Pentagon says 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched from U.S. […]
Too Many White Guys in U.S. Military?
Being stuck in Kabul with crappy bandwidth is, apparently, a privilege that all those crackers are hogging: The U.S. military is too white and too male at the top and needs to change recruiting and promotion policies and lift its ban on women in combat, an independent report for Congress said Monday. Seventy-seven percent of […]
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