We’ve whupped the damned Yankees, and the invaders are reported to be in panic-stricken retreat from the sacred soil of the Old Dominion: Dignitaries, history buffs and thousands of reenactors gathered on the hills and fields outside Manassas on Thursday to mark the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Bull Run, the first major battle […]
Smitty Home On R&R
by Smitty Back on terra Americana at last! The wife has overhauled major chunks of the house, and it looks great. Also, being in a country with usable bandwidth is a refreshing change. Not to get too self-congratulatory here, but you really have to know too much to get any sort of blogposts going from […]
Did Obama’s Campaign Manager Help Spin Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’?
A friend tipped me to a news story by Fresno’s KMJ-AM: Survey Skewed To Repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Based on a 30-page report prepared by the Pentagon inspector general, the story points out that President Obama’s 2012 campaign director (and former White House deputy chief of staff) Jim Messina was identified as one of five administration officials at […]
Democrats: The Warmonger Party
Today, 149 Democrats voted against defunding Obama’s Illegal War™ in Libya. Our nation now awaits the onset of Code Pink peace protests against such bloodthirsty imperialist warmongers as Nancy Pelosi, Raul Grijalva and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. U.S. forces will continue their effort to kill Moammar Qaddafi. White House spokesman H.R. Haldeman strenuously denied reports that President […]
Obama’s Afghanistan Speech
Frankly, I’m bored with Obama by now, so why blog about his speech, except that he interrupted primetime TV to make it? From the transcript: In the days that followed [the 9/11 attacks], our nation was united as we struck at al-Qaida and routed the Taliban in Afghanistan. Then, our focus shifted. A second war […]
Not ‘Hostilities,’ Just ‘Imminent Danger’
What U.S. forces are doing in Libya is not “hostilities,” the White House said last week — because “hostilities” is the key word in the War Powers Act, which the White House insists doesn’t apply to Libya. NATO bombs are killing civilians, but it’s not “hostilities.” However, the Pentagon is giving “imminent danger” pay to […]
Health Care or Aircraft Carriers?
One of the problems with ObamaCare is that this massive new entitlement program will steadily drain away tax money from the federal budget — including the defense budget, so that the United States can no longer afford to defend its interests abroad. In fact, something similar is already happening to our allies: The British military intervention in Libya is […]
Pacifism and Historical Ignorance
“For a therapeutically inclined generation raised on Oprah and Dr. Phil — and not on the letters of William Tecumseh Sherman and William Shirer’s Berlin Diary — problems between states, like those in our personal lives, should be argued about by equally civilized and peaceful rivals, and so solved without resorting to violence.” — Victor […]
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