The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guess Who Kills Terrorists?

The United States Army Special Forces, that’s who! My 19-year-old son Bob called me yesterday here in the Undisclosed Location to tell me that he had scored 98 on his Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The recruiter told my son this high score qualifies him for any career field  in the Army, and Bob told the recruiter that he wants to […]

Remember The Vasa? We’re Going For The Aerial Version, It Appears

by Smitty The Vasa was a 17th century Swedish unintentional submarine: Vasa was intended to express the expansionist aspirations of Sweden and to glorify king Gustavus Adolphus. No expense was spared in decorating and equipping the Vasa, which was also one of the largest and most heavily armed warships of its time. Modern tribal knowledge […]

VIDEO: Jon Kyl Defends Defense

In case you’ve forgotten the debt-ceiling deal, if Congress can’t do something to reduce our escalating deficits — and Harry Reid’s Senate Democrats haven’t even produced a budget in three years, so we’re probably doomed — then “automatic sequestration” is supposed to happen, a potential catastrophe for the Pentagon: Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) has been among the Senate’s strongest […]

California Democrat Wants Navy to Name Ship for Gay-Rights Martyr Harvey Milk

Navy Times via the Quinton Report: An upcoming addition to the Navy’s fleet may be the USS Harvey Milk if Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., and other San Diego gay rights leaders have their way about it. The GLBT Historic Task Force of San Diego County and Filner sent letters to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and […]

‘I Believed at the Time That the Documents Were Genuine and I’ve Never Ceased Believing That They Are Genuine’

Dan Rather still refuses to accept the truth that he was bamboozled by Bill Burkett and, with characteristic narcissism, offers his own belief in the authenticity of the Texas Air National Guard document as evidence of their actual authenticity, saying in effect: “If I, Dan Rather, believed they were authentic, therefore they must be authentic.” […]

Naomi Wolf: Don’t Think of a Scam

Katy Perry’s ‘glorification of violence’? Pop singers rarely show up on my radar. I’m more of a classic rock guy. My occasionaly interest in celebrity news tends more toward starlet meltdowns, and other such “Hollywood Babylon” stuff. So I’m grateful to feminist Naomi Wolf for denouncing Katy Perry’s music video: Have you all seen the Katy Perry Marines […]

USMC: B(l)ad And Bladder

by Smitty There isn’t any way to defend the action of the Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. It was all over the NBC news last night. But step back and question the timing: In what context did this occur? The trial will be interesting, as we may discover that, while not justified, there were motives. […]

If In San Diego, Consider Supporting ‘Healing the Unseen Wound’

by Smitty I grew up in San Dog as a Navy brat, and served in three ships out of 32nd Street. Were I still on the left coast, I’d volunteer for Healing the Unseen Wound. Having spent some time in Afghanistan, albeit as a little FOBbit, I can appreciate the seriousness of both the visible […]

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