The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Among The Minor Side-Ironies Of The End Of Progressivism

by Smitty Daily Pundit links Insty, noting the 2/3 military support enjoyed by Romney. Of the third who do support #OccupyResoluteDesk, one wonders what chunk would drop were the racial background of the #Occupant to alter. . . More interestingly than that, the military, including retirees, should form a vast special-interest group. Cleverly, the active duty DoD […]

Text of Mitt Romney’s Speech at VMI

The text of the foreign policy speech Mitt Romney gave today at the Virginia Military Institute, as prepared for delivery: I particularly appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell. He is showing what conservative leadership can do to build a stronger economy. Thank you also Congressman Goodlatte for […]

Report: 2 Marines Killed in Afghanistan

Among other headlines today: Reports: Attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan; Prince Harry training on base; 2 Marines killed — Twitchy Black flag of Islam flies over U.S. embassy in Tunisia — London Daily Mail Three dead as protesters attack U.S. embassy in Tunisia — Reuters Film maker behind anti-Muslim video ‘could be sent back […]

Anybody Who Thinks General Dempsey Went Rogue And Called Terry Jones Is Missing The Point

by Smitty I’ve got to call Preston for having blown by the point entirely: Gen. Dempsey’s call was a PR stunt designed to show the Islamic world that the US government takes jihadist threats more seriously than it takes American citizens’ rights to free speech. The top soldier in America’s armed forces has deliberately chilled […]

Keep In Mind That Our Response To The Various Middle East Crises. . .

by Smitty . . .is being led by a party that seems unclear as to what our navy looks like: On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his […]

We Are Prepared to Come Kill You UPDATE: One American Killed, Another Wounded in Libyan Attack

The other day I asked my wife where our 19-year-old son Bob was. The answer: Hiking up a mountain with an 85-pound pack. He recently enlisted in the Army, having scored a near-maximum on the ASVAB test, and will report to boot camp in a few months — some kind of delayed-entry deal — as […]

Veterans: A Mesothelioma Announcement

by Smitty My father is recovering from prostate surgery. He served as an engineer, mostly on amphibious assault ships, back before the dangers of materials like asbestos was widely known. Thus, I amy sympathetic to the need to take care of old duffers wherever you find them, and present this post as a public service […]

Spec Ops SuperPAC? Really?

by Smitty I don’t really go for concern trolls, as I was relating to Mataconis on Twitter earlier. But, as noted byhat tip to Nice Deb, there is a Rubicon being crossed when veterans as such become politicized. Granted, the one driving that politicizing is none other than #OccupyResoluteDesk himself. Incapable of leadership in any […]

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