The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Suspended by @Medium: Another Platform Is Banishing Conservatives

On Feb. 14, I received this email from Hello, We are writing to notify you that your account is in violation of our rules, and your profile and posts will no longer be publicly available on Medium. Harassment Medium exists to share and discuss ideas. We don’t tolerate harassment, which includes: — Bullying, […]

No, Russia’s ‘Rinky-Dink Troll Operation’ Did Not Change the 2016 Election Result

The simple fact behind last week’s indictment of 13 employees of a Russian outfit is that, if this is the sinister “collusion” that the liberal media have been warning us about, there’s no way such a miniscule effort could have cheated Hillary Clinton out of the presidency. Ace calls it a “rinky-dink troll operation” and […]

A Nation of 327,000,000 People

Three hundred twenty-seven million is a large number. Keep that in mind when you see news coverage or commentary that portrays social problems as a “trend” or an “epidemic.” In a nation of 327 million people, it is always easy to find a dozen examples of any phenomenon that a reporter, a politician, or an […]

‘Anglo-American’? RAAAAACISM!

  Generation Woke has a habit of substituting suspicion for knowledge. Indoctrinated to believe that sexism, racism and homophobia are lurking everywhere, the juvenile social justice mobs have a predictable habit of pouncing on anything that looks like evidence of Thoughtcrime. Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a speech Monday to the National Sheriffs’ Association in […]

Defamation by Impersonation

Jack Posobiec is a conservative activist with more than 250,000 followers on Twitter. A woman claimed to have discovered that Posobiec had a profile on the feminist dating app Bumble, and BuzzFeed claimed that Bumble verified this was actually Posobiec’s account. Posobiec is married and his wife is pregnant, and he has threatened legal action […]

The Tyranny of Bright Normal

  Why do the media hate President Trump so much? Well, to begin with, he’s a Republican, and they’re Democrat operatives with bylines. Beyond that, however, the media think of themselves as members of what Richard Florida calls “the creative class,” and Trump’s a bright normal. Readers familiar with The Bell Curve understand that cognitive […]

‘An Open Secret’: Bryan Singer and the Hollywood Gay Pedophile Scandal

“Since 2006 Bryan Singer has contributed at least $87,620 to Democratic candidates and committees. . . . In 2011 and 2012 Singer contributed a combined $61,600 to the Democratic National Committee.” — Caroline May, Daily Caller, April 17, 2014 When X Men director Bryan Singer was sued in 2014 for raping a teenage boy, he […]

How Joy Reid’s Homophobic History Illustrates Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs

  Let me start by saying, I am proud to hate Charlie Crist. If hating Charlie Crist is wrong, I don’t want to be right. However, I don’t claim to be a “progressive” and I’m not employed by MSNBC: Recently resurfaced internet archives show political commentator Joy Reid wrote a dozen blog posts in 2007, […]

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