The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!’

Continuing to watch CNN (so you don’t have to), they have now switched from “Russia! Russia! Russia!” to “Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!” This reflects the headline today in the New York Times: Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model Now, the ordinary non-CNN viewer may ask, “So what?” Probably the not-obsessed-with-politics-24/7 person has […]

‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’

  Up this morning at 6 a.m., I turned the TV to CNN and watched 15 minutes of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Then I changed the channel to MNSBC, and watched another two hours of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” At this moment (8:23 a.m. ET, as I write this sentence), David Axelrod is being interviewed on CNN […]

World’s Angriest White Man Dies

  Ed Schultz was everything liberals typically claim Republicans are — a fat, angry, middle-aged white loudmouth seething with resentment. He was hired as an MSNBC host in 2009, but his show was never popular, because nobody liked Ed, the most obnoxious personality on cable news, a guy who made Bill O’Reilly seem charming and […]

Jarrod Ramos Identified as Shooter in Maryland Newspaper Mass Murder

  When I went to sleep Thursday night, my post about the shooting at the offices of the Annapolis Capital had been updated six times, and the media had (incorrectly, as it turned out) reported that the gunman was “a white male in his 20s.” On Twitter, leftists were going crazy with speculation that somehow […]

News That @CNN Is Ignoring

  Today, I’m watching CNN (so you don’t have to) and they’re doing their usual wall-to-wall anti-Trump propaganda, which means that CNN viewers don’t know what’s actually happening in the real world: On May 22, Susanna Maria Feldman went missing. It was the day after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot which celebrates G-d’s revelation of […]

Immigration Facts the Media Ignore

In January, Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a speech in Norfolk, Virginia, and shared some facts that the media habitually ignore: Any crime committed by improperly vetted immigrants — and especially illegal aliens — is, by definition, preventable. Even one victim of a crime committed by an illegal alien is too many. Criminals have no […]

Democrats and Media Are Lying: Behind the Phony ‘Family Separation’ Propaganda

  The media headlines are deliberately misleading: Nielsen becomes face of Trump’s border separations — Politico All four living former first ladies condemn Trump border policy — NBC News Less Than One-Third Of The Public Supports Family Separations — Huffington Post The myth being promoted by Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) is […]

Tip: Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship

The USS Fitzgerald after a deadly collision with a freighter in June 2017. An anonymous email came in over the transom this morning: Hi, Stacy. During the early weeks after the USS Fitzgerald was speared by a lumbering Philippine container ship, it was noteworthy that the captain and a couple of admirals were publically named, […]

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