The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

MSNBC’s Alternative Reality

While working on my taxes (trying to figure my mileage for 2009) I’ve had the TV in my basement office tuned to MSNBC. Unless Rachel Maddow and her cohorts are hallucinating, the most important story in the world is . . . Republicans are desperate! Obama and his health-care plan are overwhelmingly popular! Crazy right-wingers are going psycho […]

‘Tremble in Fear!!!!’

Mock fearmongering or fearmonger mocking? We report, you deride.  Speaking of fearmongers deserving of mockery . . . Charles Johnson. Allahpundit mocks Dylan Ratigan, whose performance prompts Dan Riehl to ask, “What is he, some kind of Olbermann wannabe?” and prompts Professor Reynolds to reflect: One of [Ratigan’s] producers called to ask me to be on […]

How SPLC Hypes the Hate

Dangerous extremist militias taking over America? The Southern Poverty Law Center reports “an astonishing 363 new Patriot groups appeared in 2009, with the totals going from 149 groups (including 42 militias) to 512 (127 of them militias) – a 244% jump” from 2008. OK, so let’s ask a question: How does the SPLC get these numbers? […]

The Manchurian Maverick: John McCain Claims Bailout ‘Brainwash’ Victimhood

“Barbara Espinosa must be doing a victory lap right now,” Da Tech Guy writes in reporting on how MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” battered John McCain today for claiming former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke  “misled” him into supporting the 2008 Wall Street bailout. Remember that on Sept. 24, 2008 — the day Crazy […]

Why Keith Olbermann Is Failing

Flipping through the channels this evening, I happened onto Keith Olbermann in media res. He was doing his “Worst Person in the World” list. Number 3 was just a dumbed-down rehash of a TPM item about Tea Party Express spokesman Mark Williams. Olbermann began by describing Williams as a “fired ex-Albany, New York, hate-radio host” and after excerpting the TPM […]

Keith Olbermann Once Again Displays His Astonishing Lack of Self-Awareness

He begins by chastising Rush Limbaugh for having a huge ego — never mind that Rush’s audience on is at least 20 times as big as Olbermann’s, or that Olbermann is a 24K-gold-plated narcissist — and ends by predicting that Michelle Malkin will die in obscurity: Olbermann’s career is one of the most spectacular failures […]

To Be Fair to Rachel Maddow . . .

. . . it was hard to tell exactly what the sounds coming from the MSNBC host meant. They were sort of a little bit muffled by, you know, the pudding in her mouth: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Maddow’s quote: Just for reference here, when Tom Tancredo talks […]

The Olbermann Rule

“Anything done by any Republican is a scandal, if I decide it is, because being a Republican is such an inherently shady choice to begin with, you just know they must be up to shenanigans.” Lefty journalists have operated by this principle for years now: “Hey, look, Joe Congressman (R-Somewhere) is on the banking committee and […]

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