The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Admits: ‘I Am a Socialist. And, Yeah, I Checked Out Those Demi Lovato Bikini Pics, Too.’

Wait. Maybe I need to double-check that quote: O’Donnell was arguing on “Morning Joe” with Glenn Greenwald, who accused him of “trying to blame ‘the Left’ and ‘liberalism’ for the Democrats’ political woes.” O’Donnell responded: “Glenn, unlike you, I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word […]

Report: Keith Olbermann Refuses to Apologize for Giving Money to Democrats and Looking at Demi Lovato Bikini Pics

But mainly it was the giving-money-to-Democrats thing: Network sources tell Playbook that Keith Olbermann was suspended because he refused to deliver an on-camera mea culpa, which would have allowed him to continue anchoring “Countdown.” Olbermann told his bosses he didn’t know he was barred from making campaign contributions, although he is resisting saying that publicly. […]

Obligatory: ‘Hey, Did Anybody Notice That Allen West and Tim Scott Are Black?’

Video via The Right Scoop: Watch the latest video at Quoted at The Hill: “So I think that the — the liberal progressives saw the strength of the grass-roots movement that we call the Tea Party which stands for ‘taxed enough already’ and they tried to turn against it,” Rep.-elect Allen West (R-Fla.) said […]

Whatever Was at the Bottom of the Barrel, Chris Matthews Just Scraped It Off

Geoffrey Dickens of Newsbusters nails Matthews for his disgusting Republicans-as-Brownshirts smear: “Chris Matthews, on Wednesday’s Hardball . . . claimed the restraining of a activist by a Rand Paul supporter reminded him of what “we saw from hoodlums in the thirties in another country I will not mention” and added: “I mean it isn’t […]

Dear Rachel Maddow: How Often Should We Shake Hands With Mister Happy?

Professor William Jacobson has accused you, Miss Maddow, of “sexualizing” Christine O’Donnell, which may elicit some unfortunate mental images, so let’s not go there, OK? However, reasonable people of goodwill might wonder what political advantage you hoped to gain for the Progressive Wanker Community by calling attention to Miss O’Donnell’s youthful career as an advocate of sexual purity, […]

Gay Tea Party Activist Bruce Majors: ‘It’s a Full-Time Job Being a Celebrity Racist’

Last week, a D.C. guide for out-of-towners attending the Restoring Honor rally was seized upon by the Left as evidence of Tea Party bigotry because it advised visitors to stick to the touristy parts of town, et cetera. Rachel Maddow got all snarky about it: Here’s your first ironic denouement: The guy who wrote the […]

Ann Coulter on GZM: ‘It’s Like We’ve Designed a Pompous Douchebag Trap’

“Look, it’s Keith Olbermann!” BTW, Ace of Spades pulled out the flaming skull for the revelation that the imam at the Lower Manhattan Islamic Community Center That the Associated Press Won’t Call the “Ground Zero Mosque” Anymore has said some stuff that isn’t exactly moderate. UPDATE: Just so you know what she’s referring to, it […]

The Obama Obsession

Da Tech Guy‘s habit of watching Morning Joe on MSNBC, to get a daily read on what liberals are thinking, is a habit I’ve started to adopt. It’s interesting to watch the Obama-centric worldview in action. Today, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinsksi spent a full ten minutes discussing with Savannah Guthrie and Evan Wolfson this Pew Poll that shows […]

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