The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter Is About Hate

“With Election Day only weeks away, it is possible the chaos in the Tarheel State is part of a left-wing get-out-the-vote effort to foment unrest in the state’s black communities. . . . “Riots, of course, are the stock in trade of radical speculator George Soros, the preeminent funder of the Left who has given […]

Hillary and the Clinton News Network

The great thing about having the media as part of your campaign team is that they willingly lend credibility to your most implausible excuses: Hillary Clinton said Monday night she’s “met a high standard of transparency” about her health and didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal.” Clinton said she felt […]

Why Does CNN Hate Police?

  CNN’s role in creating the Black Lives Matter movement cannot be ignored. Back in 2012, it was CNN that turned the Trayvon Martin case into such a national media carnival, and after George Zimmerman was acquitted, the network went scouting around for other “social justice” sagas to exploit for ratings. This led eventually to […]

‘Rape Culture’ as Stalinism: Propaganda Tactics by ‘Hunting Ground’ Makers

Erica Kinsman is featured in The Hunting Ground. “All these people were praising him; they were calling me a slut, a whore. . . .I kind of just want to know, like, why me?” — Erica Kinsman Even while the new movie Trumbo engages in a whitewash of a notorious Communist, dishonest Stalin-era Soviet propaganda […]

Media as Islamic Publicity Agents

One of the best books you’ll ever read is Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy, and in Chapter 6 (“Crusades of the Anointed”), Sowell observes the tendency of liberals to divide the world into “targets” and “mascots.” For example, the U.S. military and evangelical Christians are common […]

Forgiving Brooke Baldwin

by Smitty Another day, another unfortunate utterance by someone on the Left. Watching the clip, it’s clearly a scripted set-up between her and good ol’ Elijah “fake racial slurs” Cummings. But let us express compassion for poor wee Brooke, a thirty-something special snowflake from the UNC Chapel Hill Department of Commie Propaganda (that is, Journalism). […]

Hey, Remember When CNN Was ‘The Most Trusted Name in News’?

That was a long time ago: Supporters of the Islamic State have taken to Twitter to mock claims the terrorist organisation is luring women into its fold using kittens and Nutella. The original claim was made by CNN’s Newsroom anchor Carol Costello on Wednesday during a piece on how ISIS twists and manipulates its image […]

MSNBC: How Long Until Phil Griffin Offers Keith Olbermann Fellatio?

As much as we hated the King of Bombastic Liberal Self-Righteousness, it cannot be denied that MSNBC’s rating have spiraled downward since the network let Keith Olbermann walk out in 2011. Hate him as much as you want — and I certainly do hate him — Olbermann was a franchise personality, and none of MSNBC’s […]

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