The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!’

Continuing to watch CNN (so you don’t have to), they have now switched from “Russia! Russia! Russia!” to “Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!” This reflects the headline today in the New York Times: Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model Now, the ordinary non-CNN viewer may ask, “So what?” Probably the not-obsessed-with-politics-24/7 person has […]

‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’

  Up this morning at 6 a.m., I turned the TV to CNN and watched 15 minutes of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Then I changed the channel to MNSBC, and watched another two hours of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” At this moment (8:23 a.m. ET, as I write this sentence), David Axelrod is being interviewed on CNN […]

News That @CNN Is Ignoring

  Today, I’m watching CNN (so you don’t have to) and they’re doing their usual wall-to-wall anti-Trump propaganda, which means that CNN viewers don’t know what’s actually happening in the real world: On May 22, Susanna Maria Feldman went missing. It was the day after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot which celebrates G-d’s revelation of […]

Yes, CNN Hates America

  CNN became notorious as the “Clinton News Network” during the 2016 presidential campaign, when the third-place cable news channel was so completely in the tank for the Democrat nominee that their programming was like a 24/7 contribution-in-kind to the DNC. Since CNN’s candidate lost the election, they have spent the past 18 months attempting […]

CNN: The Most Trusted Name in Harassment, Extortion and Doxxing

The Crazy News Network: While the rest of America was celebrating Independence Day, CNN kept digging its own grave. Furious over a silly video President Donald Trump posted Sunday, the flailing network sicced Senior Editor Andrew Kaczynski on its creator. He tracked down an anonymous Reddit user who first posted the GIF of Trump tackling […]

GA-6: ‘The Big Short’ and the Establishment Media Bubble

  Tuesday night, I monitored election results from Georgia’s 6th District special election on my phone (via AoSHQ Decision Desk) while finishing up a day mowing lawns for my son’s contracting business. We were leaning on the truck and enjoying cold beverages while Jim chatted with his business partner when the Decision Desk called it […]

‘Fake News’ Network CNN in Third Place? Did Russia Hack the TV Ratings?

Primetime cable news ratings for Thursday, March 2: 8 p.m. FOX The O’Reilly Factor …………………………….. 4,114,000 MSNBC All in With Chris Hayes ………………….. 1,744,000 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 …………………………. 1,381,000 9 p.m. FOX Tucker Carlson Tonight ……………………….. 3,489,000 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show ………………. 2,532,000 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 ………………………….. 1,327,000 10 p.m. FOX Hannity […]

The Clinton News Network

Gabriel Sherman at New York magazine: Shortly after 9 p.m. [Tuesday] night, Donald Trump launched another salvo at CNN, tweeting: “Congratulations to @FoxNews for being number one in inauguration ratings. They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN — public is smart!” CNN tweeted back that they had matched Fox in Nielsen numbers: “Those […]

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