The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obscure Cable-TV Personality Becomes Disorderly at White House Briefing

  CNN’s ratings are lower than the Hallmark Channel and Nickelodeon, which means more people watch Spongebob Squarepants than watch Jim Acosta, CNN’s prima donna “reporter” who threw a public temper tantrum during a presidential press conference today: CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta was captured wrestling with an unidentified White House aide for possession […]

‘Hate Speech,’ CNN and George Soros

Republican campaign ad in Minnesota. Yesterday, I switched my office TV to CNN, a psychological hazard I try to undertake at least once a week. Yes, it’s a mental-health risk to immerse myself into that bizarre alternative universe — a land where Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are considered objective journalists — but if I […]

What Happened to Oliver Darcy?

Oliver Darcy as a young conservative in 2013. The purge of Alex Jones and his Infowars site from social media is the work of one man, CNN’s Oliver Darcy, who in recent months has been on a sort of jihad again Jones. While I have never been an admirer of Jones (a 9/11 “Truther” who […]

CNN’s Favorite ‘Republican Strategist’

“I think the pictures of the cruelty of this administration are a very deliberate part of this. . . . They’re only talking to their core supporters. And their core supporters want anybody who’s darker than a latte deported. They’re not happy about immigration of any kind.” — Rick Wilson, CNN, July 11, 2018 Running […]

Darren Beattie: Guilty of Intellectualism

Sunday, I wrote about Darren Beattie, the former Trump speech-writer who got hounded out of his job by CNN because he spoke at a 2016 conference attended by “white nationalists.” Beattie has now published the text of his speech, “The Intelligentsia and the Right,” and as anyone can now see for themselves, he said nothing […]

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Goes Full Antifa

  Never go full antifa: CNN’s Chris Cuomo argued Monday night Antifa protesters are wrong to hit people, police, and reporters, “but fighting hate is right” and in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, “those who oppose it are on the side of right.” Cuomo said “all punches are not equal morally” […]

How @CNN and Other #FakeNews Media Are Now Working to Silence Dissent

  Headline at Ace of Spades HQ: Journalists or Activists? CNN, Which Admitted They Were Responsible for Getting Alex Jones Deplatformed from YouTube, Apple, and FaceBook, Now Admits It’s Also Pressuring Twitter to Deplatform Him This is shameful. When I was working for The Washington Times, we did not seek to prevent the distribution of […]

Russia! Russia! Russia!

The headline stack on top of this morning’s Drudge Report: UPDATE: Trump Tower meeting with Russians WAS meant to ‘get information’ on Hillary… ‘I did not know about it!’ Trump would fight any special counsel subpoena… WASH POST: Precarious moment in presidency…  Since Sunday, I’ve been watching CNN (so you don’t have to) and they’re […]

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