The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CNN’s Cooper to Replace Couric?

There are rumors and denials that CBS is trying to recruit CNN’s Anderson Cooper as a replacement for Katie Couric, who’s been stuck in the Nielsen ratings basement almost from the moment of her “Evening News” debut. A Cooper-for-Couric switch would not significantly alter the traditional liberal slant at CBS. However, the utter flop of […]

We Feel Your Pain. Really. We Do.

Bwaaahahahahaha! Earlier that morning, CBS News executives and bureau chiefs, led by senior vice president Linda Mason, told their employees that 2009 had been a disastrous year in the ad market. They had no cable operation to buoy the sinking revenues. It’s not you, was the message, it’s us. Dozens of employees — including staff […]

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