The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Finally, Weiner Calls the Police!

No, he didn’t ask the cops to start an investigation of the insidious hackers who stole his crotch-photo and Tweeted it to a 21-year-old. But when a reporter for WCBS-TV in New York started asking questions . . . Weiner’s Office Calls The Police After CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer Asks For An Interview As you […]

Obama Lies About Unemployment

Just flat-out makes up “facts” during a town-hall meeting on the economy in D.C. hosted by CBS News: “The reason the unemployment rate is still as high as it is, in part, is because there have been huge layoffs of government workers at the federal level, at the state level, at the local level . […]

Fear and Loathing in Cairo

“In this case, rightwingers who have an interest in stoking fear and loathing of Muslims worldwide pounced at the opportunity to smear all Egyptians with this crime. Popular rightwing bloggers Debbie Schlussel, Robert Stacy McCain, and Sister Toldjah were among those who immediately used the attack to reinforce their anti-Muslim, anti-revolution arguments. But the real […]

Your Last “60 Minutes” Fisking Of The Year

Joe Fein goes above and beyond the call of duty this week, not only subjecting himself to 60 Minutes so you don’t have to, but supplying some Rule 5-worthy suggestions for Lesley Stahl’s replacement. Read and enjoy!

This Week’s Installment of Burning, Pillage, Etc.

And let’s face it, if any modern organization ever deserved a visit from history’s best known hostile acquisition specialists, it’s CBS News. Since Vikings are a bit hard to come by these days, we have to do the best we can. On that note, take it away, Joe!

Your Weekly “Sixty Minutes” Fisking

Apparently the dutiful Joseph Fein was overcome last week by the mind-bending horrors of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos Sixty Minutes, since we were forced to do without his fisking of that alleged news program last week. He’s back this week, though, with a double-header for your reading pleasure!

Good-Bye, Harry and Maggie

When your Big Three morning show has got ratings in the cable-TV range, something’s got to give: CBS News’ “The Early Show” ousted long-time anchors Harry Smith and Maggie Rodriguez on Tuesday to rescue the low-rated, third-place finisher among morning talk shows. Starting on January 3, Erica Hill and Chris Wragge, who have been co-anchors of the […]

Presented for your consideration…

Sixty Minutes has been around since 1968, though given the show’s long-standing predilection for character assassination, cheap shots, and “investigative reporting” (but I repeat myself), one might be excused for thinking that it had been around even longer. Most conservatives have long ago given up on this miserable excuse for a “news program”, correctly evaluating […]

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