The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Unwanted Sexual Advances’: Harassment Bonfire Torches NBC’s Mark Halperin

  The number of his alleged victims is at least seven now: The morning after five women accused veteran journalist Mark Halperin of sexual harassment while he was in a powerful position at ABC News, two more women came forward with their own allegations. Those initial five accusers recounted sexual misconduct ranging in nature “from propositioning employees […]

Lena Dunham Declares White Women Need ‘Enlightening’ by Feminists

  Pudgy tattoo-covered multimillionaire liar Lena Dunham did an interview on ABC’s The View, explaining what’s wrong with women: “I think it’s really important to remember that it is an incredible problem that . . . 53% of white women in this country voted for Donald Trump which means that they’re not only voting against the […]

Democrats and George Stephanopoulos (But I Repeat Myself)

The “revolving door” between the Democrat Party and the liberal media functions as a full-employment program for party operatives, who can collect paychecks from TV networks for doing the same work they would otherwise do for Democrats. Nearly everyone in the major media is a Democrat (e.g., 89% voted for Bill Clinton in 1992) and […]

The Hired Liars of Liberal Media

Andrew Breitbart used the phrase “Democrat-Media Complex” to describe the dishonest and hypocritical frauds who consider their partisan opinions to be synonymous with Truth and Virtue. Based on my own experience — as an ex-Democrat who has been in the news business since 1986 — I long ago concluded that most journalists don’t notice liberal bias for […]

Never Let a Crisis, Etc.

Democrat shamelessness is highly contagious: After [ABC “This Week”] host  George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver’s team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate” [former Obama administration official] Van Jones shamefully urged Democrats to use Ebola as a talking point in 2014: We can’t let the Republicans get away with some […]

Fire Can’t Melt Steel, and ‘The View’ Can’t Possibly Become More Ludicrous

They’re bringing back Rosie O’Donnell, because there obviously aren’t enough celebrity conspiracy theorists on network daytime TV, and no one is happier about this news than Allahpundit: To celebrate the occasion, take my arm and stroll with me down memory lane, back to Rosie’s finest hour. Watch the whole clip if you can — she […]

When ‘Balanced’ Journalism Is Bad

As what point does journalistic objectivity shade into the “who are we to judge” posture of moral relativism? Do journalists have an obligation to call evil by its right name? These questions crossed my mind as I watched an ABC  Good Morning America segment about Kaitlyn Hunt, who copped a plea Thursday on felony charges […]

Bias by Omission: What the WaPo Didn’t Include in Its ‘BullyGate’ Hit Job

Susan Swift at Big Journalism located a profile feature about Mitt Romney in Automobile magazine, including quotes from some of the same sources used in Jason Horowitz’s “BullyGate” story. One of the common sources was Phillip Maxwell, who is quoted by the WaPo as an authority on the Infamous Homophobic Bullying Haircut. So, what didn’t […]

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