The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fox News Closet Case (Who’s Not Fooling Anybody) Declares GOP Opponents of Gay Marriage ‘On the Wrong Side of History’

How many “blind” items in the tabloids have we seen and knew they were talking about precious (formerly) pretty boy Shep, huh? Fox News anchor Shep Smith made his own news today when he said President Obama was “now in the 21st century” after his support for same-sex marriage. Minutes later, in a conversation with […]

Hope and Change Go Gay

Predictable: President Obama today announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his longstanding opposition amid growing pressure from the Democratic base and even his own vice president. Of course, as Ace of Spades pointed out earlier, Obama had stated his support for gay marriage as early as 1996: Answering a questionnaire in 1996, he […]

‘Some Right-Wing Gloating About It’

Blame Instapundit for this one: He linked a Daily Beast item about Linda Lovelace and the 40th anniversary of Deep Throat, and while at the site, I saw a sidebar article with this headline: Melissa Etheridge’s Hideous Breakup What? I’d missed this news: Evidently, the rock guitarist’s lesbian divorce turned nasty and Daily Beast columnist Tricia […]

Roxanne Doesn’t Have To Turn On The Red Lights. She Does Anyway; Dad Didn’t Teach Her Otherwise

by Smitty No, I don’t mean Roxeanne de Luca specifically. Or prostitution in the Secret Service sense. I mean, emphasis mine: Now, let’s cut through the drivel: play-acting at being married with someone to whom you have not committed will delay that commitment, or finding the person you really want to commit to. Acting like […]

Gaily Subverting The Will Of Maryland Voters Like Stacy McCain

by Smitty Joel Pollak at Big Government details the long-term strategy for the Ruling Class to subvert the will of Maryland voters: Last September, in a speech to same-sex marriage activists in Chevy Chase, Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler revealed a plan by Democrat governor Martin O’Malley to stack the state’s highest court with judges […]

Happy Valentine’s Day to the (Totally HAWWT) Future Mrs. Steven Crowder

In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry . . . — I Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV) Steven Crowder gets some CPAC PDA from his fianceé, Hillary “My theory is […]

Bitter Fruits of a Bitter Seed: Envy, Feminism, Maureen and Meghan

HOLLIS, N.H. Time constraints have improved my ability to ignore Maureen Dowd. Many months now often elapse between my ever bothering to notice anything she’s written. Today, however, Pete Da Tech Guy called my attention to Ms. Dowd’s unseemly assault on Rick Santorum’s family. And then Pete sat down and wrote a rather stunning contrast […]

Don’t Forget To Thank ObamaCare For Further Societal Collapse

by Smitty Via Insty, we have Chateau Heartiste Men don’t “treat women as toys”. Men get the sex while the getting’s good because women allow — nay, PREFER — themselves to be toyed with by the kinds of men who are good at it. In other words, Mr. Bennett, women GET EXACTLY THE KINDS OF […]

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