The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sex Facts: Robots Don’t Have Babies and There Is No ‘Teenage Pregnancy Crisis’

  In 1999, Maggie Gallagher published “The Age of Unwed Mothers,” in which she conclusively demonstrated that the panic about teenage pregnancy (“kids having kids”) was fundamentally misguided. Contrary to what the media and politicians were telling Americans, teenage motherhood had significantly declined since the 1960s, and what had actually changed about motherhood was the […]

More Scenes from a Wedding

We were dining on barbecue beef brisket Sunday beneath the shade trees at Ole Gilliam Mill near Sanford, N.C., when Cassie asked, “When are you going to dance?” Cassie is a friend of my son Bob, and also of his twin brother Jim and Jim’s wife Danielle. Cassie remembered how I danced at Jim’s wedding […]

Scenes from a Wedding

SANFORD, N.C. As promised earlier, here are a few photos from Sunday’s wedding of my son Bob and his lovely bride, taken by my brother Kirby McCain. Here comes the bride! The bride is escorted down the aisle by her parents. Our two daughters-in-law with our two daughters. Mrs. McCain, Bob and his bride, me. […]

Army Bob Takes a Bride

Earlier this year, my son Bob and his girlfriend came to visit us for Easter. Bob has been in the Army since 2013 and, while stationed at Fort Bragg, met a lovely girl named Johanna who is an art student (she does video animation). While they were visiting, Bob invited Johanna to hike up to […]

Julie Bindel Is Right: Marriage Can Never Be Feminist (So Don’t Marry a Feminist)

“Marriage is not about equality. It’s about perpetuating male privilege.” — Julie Bindel, U.K. Guardian, May 25 Julie Bindel is a British feminist notorious for saying that all males should be rounded up and put “in some kind of camp.” She is a radical lesbian who is against heterosexuality, per se. This anti-male ideology is […]

Marriage Matters

Melissa Braunstein (@slowhoneybee on Twitter) is one of the handful of conservatives — along with Christina Hoff Sommers and Ashe Schow — who work the feminism beat on a full-time basis. She has an excellent article at The Federalist about the A&E series “Married at First Sight”: Jann Gumbiner, a licensed psychologist and clinical professor […]

A Prelude to Social Destruction

“Politics is downstream from culture,” Andrew Breitbart often said. This was why I spent Thursday writing 4,000 words — “Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame” — in preparation for the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage which, as anyone who had been paying attention could have predicted, was a 5-4 decision with Justice Kennedy as […]

N.C. Schools Employ Radical Lesbian Who Called Marriage ‘Slavery’ for Women

By Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain on Twitter) A pioneering lesbian activist who called heterosexuality “the ideology of male supremacy” and condemned marriage as “slavery” for women is now working as a math teacher in North Carolina.   As a graduate student in 1969, Margaret Small helped begin what became the Women’s Studies program at the […]

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