The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Another ‘Red Pill’ Exit: Fools Rush In, But Wise Men Don’t Marry Crazy Women

  Wise men say, only fools rush in, But I can’t help …. SSCCRRAAAAATTCCHH! More than 10,000 people have read last week’s post (“Exit Strategy: Did This Guy ‘Red Pill’ His Way Out of a Doomed Relationship?”) about a guy whose live-in fiancée moved out after he said something that seemed almost perfectly calculated to […]

Feminism and the Darwinian Dead End

“I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . .This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.” — Amanda Marcotte, March 14, 2014 “The United States is in the midst of what some worry is a baby crisis. The number of […]

A Narrow Victory for Liberty

  First, the news: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory on narrow grounds to a Colorado Christian baker who refused for religious reasons to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, stopping short of setting a major precedent allowing people to claim exemptions from anti-discrimination laws based on religious beliefs. The […]

Are ‘Commitment-Phobic Men’ to Blame for England’s Declining Fertility?

  Earlier this month, the British Fertility Education Initiative (FEI) advised that sex education in schools overemphasizes contraception and fails to warn about the risks of delayed childbearing. The median age at first birth in the United Kingdom is now 30. “Fertility delayed is fertility denied,” as demographers say, and approximately one-fifth of British women […]

Feminist ‘Success’ (Or, Never Bet Against the Gods of the Copybook Headings)

“It is necessary to unite and fight to protect ourselves from exploitation as the world’s baby-makers.” — Carol Hanisch, March 2014 “I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding . . . time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness. . . . I don’t want a baby. . […]

‘Equality,’ Florida-Style: Lesbian Arrested for Attacking Her Husband With Bleach

Lakeisha Regina LeGrand was arrested earlier this month. History offers many examples of intellectuals dreaming up innovative schemes for “progress” which, as inspiring as they may seem to their advocates in the academic elite, don’t work out so well when applied in real life with real people. Just invoke the magic word “equality” and rational […]

‘An Uncomfortable Truth’

  Spain is dying. The total fertility rate — average number of lifetime births per woman — is 1.49 in Spain, and this is nearly 30% below replacement level. In December 2015, demographers noted that Spain had passed a crucial milestone — more deaths than births, a harbinger of population decline. Before a nation dies, […]

Doctor Kook and the Mysterious Case of the Bill-Paying Sperm Donor

Suppose you were a very intelligent young man from Massachusetts. You are not only smart, but tall and handsome. You go to college, then go to law school, hire on with a good firm, you’re making good money and then you meet a woman. She’s from the Midwest and attended a good state university where […]

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