The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.23.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS FOX PROJECTS TRUMP WIN IN NEVADA CAUCUSES With 85% of precincts reporting, Trump 46%, Rubio 23.4%, Cruz 22.4%, Carson 5.1%, Kasich 3.4% (AOSDDHQ) SCALIA HAD MULTIPLE HEALTH PROBLEMS, SCOTUS DOCTOR REPORTS Coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension in laundry list of ailments MCCONNELL […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.02.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Your rape culture moment of Zen. TOP NEWS TRUMP THUMPED “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee and next president of the United States will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment,” Cruz said. SANDERS DECLARES VIRTUAL TIE With 99% of precincts reporting, […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.14.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho SOTW TOP NEWS AT LEAST SIX DEAD AS BOMBS, GUNFIRE RIP JAKARTA President Widodo urges public not to panic or speculate who is behind attacks Three Winners Reported In $1.5 Billion Powerball Drawing Winners in California, Florida and Tennessee Al Jazeera America To Shut Down Herring Boradcasting, owners of One America […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.08.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS DOW, S&P OFF TO WORST FOUR-DAY START IN JANUARY EVER Wall Street selloff continues, driven by another drop in Chinese equities and oil prices at 12-year lows Gun Owners Grill Obama At CNN Town Hall NRA sits out town hall, dismissing it as “a public […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.05.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS BURNS, OREGON RESIDENTS WANT THE MILITIA TO GO HOME Locals support imprisoned Hammonds, but unenthusiastic about Ammon Bundy and his militiamen Bahrain, Sudan Join Saudis In Severing Relations With Iran Fallout from Iranian sacking of Saudi embassy Obama Executive Action On Guns Requires More Background […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.04.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS MILITIA TAKES OVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE HQ IN OREGON Out-of-state militia occupying Malheur NWR HQ in response to jailing of local ranchers Background posted at The Conservative Treehouse Iranian Mob Sacks Saudi Embassy Attack follows Saudi’s execution of Shiite imam Quake Hits India’s Northeast Nine […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 12.31.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS FLOODING THREATENS I-55 NEAR ST. LOUIS Officials prepare for possible shutdown amid historic flooding Donald Trump On The 2016 Race: It’s War Assails former President Clinton over infidelities, alleged sexual misconduct Enrique Marquez Indicted By Grand Jury Accused of false statements on weapon purchase forms, […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 12.30.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho Our new theme song TOP NEWS MISSOURI ASKS RIVERBANK RESIDENTS TO MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND AS FLOODING CONTINUES State is on track to break records set in 1993, when 800 levees were breached Carrier Harry S. Truman Has Close Call With Iranian Rockets Live fire exercise with unguided rockets conducted within […]

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