The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rival @GetOnGab Has Twitter Shaking

  Gab ( is the free-speech alternative platform that has thrived because of Twitter’s SJW-led censorship policy which has driven away users. Now, it seems, Twitter is worried about the competition: Twitter has suspended the account of their free speech-based competitor Gab, despite the fact that the account had deleted all of its tweets following President Trump’s […]

$3,000,000: Federal Jury Punishes Rolling Stone for UVA Rape Hoax Story

Journalistic malpractice with “actual malice”: CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A federal jury on Monday ordered Rolling Stone and one of its writers to pay $3 million in damages to a University of Virginia administrator over a discredited article two years ago about a supposed gang rape at the university. The jury in Charlottesville, Va., had already […]

‘Rolling Stone’s Sole Source for the False Tale of Rape’ Must Testify in Lawsuit

  Jackie Coakley, the former University of Virginia student whose false story of a fraternity gang rape became the subject of a 2014 Rolling Stone story, will now be compelled to tell the truth under oath: A Virginia judge has ruled that the woman at the center of Rolling Stone’s discredited story about an alleged […]

Fear and Loathing: ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’ Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Here’s a headline: What Happens to Journalists When No One Wants to Print Their Words Anymore? As newsrooms disappear, veteran older reporters are being forced from the profession. That’s bad for journalism — and democracy. Please shut up. Nobody feels sorry for you, and probably nobody should. The idea that people are entitled to be […]

Victims of ‘Cissexist Heteropatriarchy’

  Let me state clearly what should be obvious to longtime readers: I don’t like it when kids at elite colleges claim to be victims of oppression. Self-pity as a basis for political activism is a very bad idea and should be discouraged. Generally speaking, young people are ignorant and foolish. Being highly intelligent is […]

Dear @Clementine_Ford …

  Let’s play a game, you and me. Call it, “Yours and Mine.” You are in Australia (yours) and I am in America (mine). You are female (yours) and I am male (mine). You are a “progressive” (yours) and I am conservative (mine). It would be a simple gambit, as an opening move in Yours […]

Feminists Are Raping Journalism

Rolling Stone‘s UVA rape hoax continues to echo in discussions of the legal and cultural consequences of bad journalism: Tamara Tabo is a summa cum laude graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the school’s law review. After graduation, she clerked on the U.S. […]

The #GamerGate vs. Gawker War

Gawker’s irresponsibly cruel “outing” of a Conde Nast executive — a laughable farce, and yet also an exercise in horrendous sadism — prompted Vox Day to remind his readers of #GamerGate’s “anti-Gawker action, Operation Disrespectful Nod, which has already cost Gawker more than $1 million in advertising dollars.” This would appear to be the kind […]

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