The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Fired Up’ for Palin?

One of the great things about being both a blogger and a journalist is the opportunity to recycle what I’ve previously blogged for a different readership, as in my Tuesday column for The American Spectator: The dismissive sneers of Palin’s detractors were, quite literally, front-page news in the local press. “You tend to get a sense […]

Mitt-Mania In Des Moines

Gwen Ifill and Charlie Cook talk to each other while David Weigel talks to Iowa Republicans at Wednesday’s Polk County GOP fundraiser. NEWTON, Iowa One of the things that gets lost in all the horse-race coverage of a political campaign — who’s up? who’s down? — is the sense of what a campaign actually looks […]

The Cain Train Keeps Rolling

Herman Cain speaks at Monday’s rally in Council Bluffs. Last night there was no time to blog about the late-afternoon Herman Cain rally at Bayliss Park in Council Bluffs. Dave Weigel, who had been there for Michele Bachmann’s earlier event, said Cain actually drew a slightly larger crowd than Bachmann. But I didn’t have time […]

Santorum’s Hope

From my American Spectator column today: SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Perhaps 50 voters showed up Saturday for a campaign event held in a barn on a dirt road amid cornfields near Roland, about 20 miles north of Ames. While a few dozen voters isn’t much of a crowd by Republican presidential campaign standards, the audience […]

Cain, Corn and … the Phantom Menace

My American Spectator column: DES MOINES, Iowa — Highway 193 runs nearly flat and straight some 60 miles southeast from the state capital in Des Moines to the Mahaska County seat of Oskaloosa, where the monument in the town square honors the tribal chieftain for whom the county was named. Chief Mahaska? “lived at peace […]

Gingrich Advises GOP on ‘Bully’ Obama: Stop Negotiating and Start Legislating

Say what you will about Newt, he’s a brilliant legislative tactician: President Obama is a “bully” who is “clearly failing” on economic policy, according to Newt Gingrich , and House Republicans should stop negotiating with the White House and move forward with passing their own solutions to the debt-ceiling and budget deficit. “Obama has put […]

VIDEO: Breitbart Talks WeinerGate

MINNEAPOLIS Everybody I saw downstairs this morning at the Right Online conference kept telling me, “You look rough.” As well I should. My flight out of Dulles yesterday was delayed more than an hour on departure. By the time I arrived, checked into the Hilton and had dinner — bangers and mash at a British-style pub downtown […]

CA-36: The Facts of the Case

 The New York Times is on the story: Ms. Hahn, a Los Angeles City Councilwoman and a Democrat, released a statement deeming the ad “degrading to women in the worst way.” . . . The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out a fundraising e-mail, calling for $150,000 in donations to help fight “vile right-wing attacks […]

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