The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Santorum Resurgent (But Nobody Loves the Future U.S. Ambassador to Vanuatu)

After working on a long (and still unpublished) draft post this morning, I checked Memeorandum and saw these headlines: Santorum’s Turn — National Review Santorum moves ahead in Michigan — Public Policy Polling Gingrich Money Hunt Faces Obstacles — New York Times All of which stories were published after I sent my column to The […]

Quin Hillyer Denounces Jeffrey Lord as a ‘Purveyor of Smear Jobs … Despicable’

The escalating craziness among Republicans — which I have already mentioned twice today — has now spilled over into a feud between two esteemed contributors to The American Spectator, and now the hot-blooded Southerner Quin Hillyer has called out his antagonist: Jeffrey Lord, who has intellectual integrity about equivalent to Bill Clinton’s, has become a […]

Ron Paul and the ‘Not Romneys’

“There are many mysteries to the phenomenon that is Ron Paul. How is it, for example, that a 76-year-old with a reedy voice — his appearance and manner not remotely “presidential” by the usual standards of the TV age — is an idol to so many youth? Polls in Iowa showed that Paul got 48 […]

Media Mayhem in the Granite State

HOLLIS, N.H. Saturday night in Manchester was a total media schmoozefest, and I had the opportunity to talk to Mickey Kaus, whose re-Tweet by Alyssa Milano inspired my own long quest for a similar honor. (“They Said It Couldn’t Be Done …”) Just returned from a Ron Paul event here, the start of a long […]

The Familiar Pattern Emerges Again

JOHNSTON, Iowa Today I published another column from the campaign trail here in Iowa: Rick Santorum made a bold prediction here Friday night: The Pittsburgh Steelers will go all the way to the Super Bowl for a rematch with the Green Bay Packers. The former Pennsylvania senator was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation on […]

When the Story Writes Itself

DAVENPORT, Iowa Sometimes this job is hard. And sometimes it’s easy. And there was a moment last night that made my job much easier. Watch the video: And now here’s the lead of my column today: “Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul!” The chants were loud and persistent. Mitt Romney came to town Monday and […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: How’s the Weather Today in Vanuatu?

“Santorum is a social conservative, and everybody seems to have convinced themselves that social conservatives are a dead weight impeding the Republican Party and therefore no one should ever express support for any social conservative anywhere, under any circumstance.” — Robert Stacy McCain, “Slouching Toward Cedar Rapids” “How long, O Lord, how long? Where will […]

Jeffrey Lord vs. the Paulistas

Driving back today from picking up my twin sons at college — today was the last day of final exams in their first semester — I heard my American Spectator colleague Jeffrey Lord on Sean Hannity’s radio show talking about his war against Ron Paul’s supporters. It makes my head hurt to think about it, […]

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