The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mediocrity Celebrated, Greatness Ignored

And douchebags insufficiently denounced: Liberal bias is not a matter of unfairness, but rather a matter of dishonesty — deliberately ignoring some facts, and misrepresenting other facts, in order to misinform the public by portraying to them a politically falsified view of events and personalities. If there were ever any honest person employed by the  New […]

Mega-Dittos, @RushLimbaugh! Credit Where Credit Is Due and More Questions

“So what you had here was a bureaucracy that was intent on making itself look good, and they were playing games with numbers. “So real crimes would be committed by students, not just Trayvon, and rather than being categorized as such they were just pushed over here into another column on the spreadsheet that said […]

Speaking of Kooks …

Glory days: Barrett Brown interviewed by Michael Isikoff, 2011 “A self-described anarchist, [Barrett] Brown claims he’s policing wrongdoing, at least as Anonymous describes it. . . . “[Brown said:] ‘When we break laws, we do so in service of civil disobedience.’” — NBC Nightly News, March 8, 2011 Dan Collins seems envious of my success […]

Secrets of Neutral Objective Journalism: Deadline Stress and Lots of Coffee

Today, for reasons that need not be explained, I was looking through my American Spectator coverage of the Republican National Convention: Monday, Aug. 27: Storm Surge Tuesday, Aug. 28: The Exact Opposite of Truth Wednesday, Aug. 29: Off to a Strong Start Thursday, Aug. 30: ‘Breitbart’ as a Verb Friday, Aug. 31: Exceptional Five columns […]

Obama: ‘I’ve Got a Plan!’

Yesterday, I woke up and turned the TV to MSNBC (which I watch so you don’t have to), and they showed almost the entirety of a speech Obama gave at Davenport, Iowa. Perhaps you can watch it without succumbing to the urge to throw your computer across the room: It’s particularly painful for me to […]

How Do You Spell ‘LOL’? Idiotic Error by Former New Yorker Fact-Checker

When Bob Tyrrell told me about this on the phone, I was astonished: Evidently, James Pogue is a person with literary pretensions who once worked as a fact-checker for the New Yorker. In order to support his literary pretensions — he’s “writing a novel,” as are, inter alia, about nine thousand unpublished lawyers who dream of […]

How to Deal With Biased Media Liars (and Other Such Worthless Scalawags)

“My God, Scarlett O’Hara! When I start out to cut somebody up, you don’t think I’d be satisfied with scratching him with the blunt side of my knife, do you? No, by God, I cut him to ribbons.” — Tony Calvert, in Gone With the Wind Well, that’s merely an analogy — a colorful literary […]

Polls: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies?

@jaycosttws Like Darwinism and global-warming theory, poll-based coverage involves the illusion of “scientific” certainty. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 26, 2012 @jaycosttws Strange to say, I was taught that journalism requires a skeptical disposition. Old-fashioned, I guess. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 26, 2012 DAYTON, Ohio By the time you read this, I […]

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