The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Idioms of Non-Argument’

Harvard-educated totalitarian Moira Weigel. Longtime readers know I’ve never been a fan of Conor Friedersdorf, who made himself obnoxious by his pro-Obama “conservatism” circa 2008. Friedersdorf’s basic problem is excessive sincerity — he was guilty of “insufficient cynicism,” as I said, and seemed to be engaged in a campaign to obtain the Most Serious Intellectual […]

‘The Truth About Who Kills Women’

  It is probably unwise for a feminist to employ the word “truth,” which may provoke someone familiar with the relevant facts: Jessica Valenti is a feminist and a liar, but I repeat myself. A couple of weeks ago, Valenti invited scrutiny of her truthfulness by responding to the murder of a young woman in […]

Get Woke, Go Broke: NY Daily News Cuts Staff by 50%, Fires Editor-in-Chief

Ashe Schow delivers the schadenfreude: For weeks now, staffers at the New York Daily News have braced for cuts. On Monday, those cuts were announced in an impersonal email. It doesn’t appear as though everyone who is being laid off even knows yet. Tronc, which owns NYDN, sent an email to staff Monday morning announcing […]

The Tyranny of Bright Normal

  Why do the media hate President Trump so much? Well, to begin with, he’s a Republican, and they’re Democrat operatives with bylines. Beyond that, however, the media think of themselves as members of what Richard Florida calls “the creative class,” and Trump’s a bright normal. Readers familiar with The Bell Curve understand that cognitive […]

Ivy League Butt Sex and Journalism

  When I worked at The Washington Times, our editor was Wes Pruden, son of a Southern Baptist minister, who believed that a newspaper should be sufficiently wholesome to be read by the entire family. There were certain words you simply did not use in The Times, and references to sexual behavior had to be […]

#Evergreen New York Times Ditty

by Smitty If you want to win a bet,Go against truth in the NYeT:Pravda-on-the-Hudson likes it wrong. (1/2) — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) September 2, 2017 Facts always seem to hide,From their lyin' Commie pride,Like talent from a wretched hip-hop song. (2/2) — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) September 2, 2017 Retweet these to Stick It To The Man.

‘Less Than Fake News’

OK, so Laura Ingraham has a web site called LifeZette, the chief executive of which is a guy named Peter Anthony, who allegedly is a “creep.” Anyway, Betsy Woodruff and Lachlan Markay — two young conservative journalists I happen to know personally — wrote a story for The Daily Beast detailing various creepy things Peter […]

Is This Fake News?

The headline is disturbing: Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter. But if you keep reading, you find this: A White House official said: “There […]

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