The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

News Flash: Liberals Hate Christianity

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” — I Corinthians 2:1-2 (KJV) Jesse Lee Peterson’s WorldNetDaily column: LGBT groups have been effective […]

Marcusean Intolerance

Students of radicalism know that “political correctness” is not a joke, but is a totalitarian tactic of Cultural Marxism, which originated with the theoretician Georg Lukacs, but is especially associated with intellectuals of the Frankfurt School including Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse has sometimes been called the “Father of the […]

The Errors of ‘Democracy’

We are heirs of a tradition. Each of us is born into circumstances that were created by our parents, by our grandparents, by our ancestors, and by the civilization in which they lived. Human life existed before we were born and will continue after our deaths. As children we inherit the past. As parents we […]

Feminism and First-World Problems: ‘Hypervigilance’ as Irrational Phobia

Jessica Valenti wants mentally ill women to know that their mental illness is the fault of the oppressive patriarchy: A study published this month in the journal Sex Roles reveals that some of the sexism women face — from catcalling and sexual harassment to sexual objectification and violence — makes women generally more fearful and […]

What #Feminism Hath Wrought

@LauraKipnis is an expert on why men deserve your contempt. Just in time for the holidays, feminism isĀ the gift that keeps on giving, andĀ another academic sadist tells us what’s wrong with men: Laura Kipnis begins her preface to Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation . . . with an interesting idea: Writing about someone marks […]

A Lesbian Theory of the Penis

“Far from being ‘natural,’ phallic sexuality is a moral and political activity. . . . Men’s sexual behaviour is not caused by hormonal dictates. It is because the penis serves the ideological function of symbolizing ‘human’ status that it is so heavily charged with erotic energy, and not because it is driven by testosterone. Men […]

The Crazy Feminism of Joyce Trebilcot

  America lost a valuable source of feminist craziness when Professor Joyce Trebilcot died in 2009 at age 74. For more than three decades, Trebilcot supplied the feminist movement with its necessary raw material — insanity — and in its obituary of this distinguished academic, Washington University St. Louis described her contributions: Trebilcot, who joined […]

The #GamerGate White Knight Syndrome

The troll @streever jumped into my Twitter timeline Friday to challenge my assertion that “Feminism is anti-male, anti-heterosexual and — most importantly — ANTI-FREEDOM.” This inspired me to reiterate the basic theme of the “Sex Trouble” series, by way of demonstrating its relevance to the #GamerGate controversy. Pause now to consider: I spent weeks ignoring […]

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