The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dear @Clementine_Ford …

  Let’s play a game, you and me. Call it, “Yours and Mine.” You are in Australia (yours) and I am in America (mine). You are female (yours) and I am male (mine). You are a “progressive” (yours) and I am conservative (mine). It would be a simple gambit, as an opening move in Yours […]

The Progressive Myth of ‘Diversity’

“The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.” — Thomas Sowell, 1998 In his 2012 book The Tyranny of Clichés, Jonah Goldberg recounts the pinnacle of his career, when the inclusion of his column (and the discontinuation of left-wing columnist Robert Scheer) […]

Dear Feminists: You Think Too Much

Not everything has meaning. Not everything requires critical analysis. Not everything is in need of a theory to explain it. Some things are really simple. They are what they are, and the temptation to intellectualize everything should be resisted. Consider, for example, a New York Times column by Emily Witt: Who could be cynical about […]

Media Synchronicity and Confederate Thoughts on an Era of Elite Corruption

Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate — the word is all over the headlines today, which was nothing that would have seemed a logical consequence of Dylann Roof’s shooting spree last week in South Carolina. What has happened, we may surmise, is that some activists, politicians and journalists reached an unofficial consensus that this was one of those […]

Heh. Heh. Heh.

One of my favorite lines in Ghostbusters: Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn’t have to produce anything! You’ve never been out of college! You don’t know what it’s like out there! I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results. The insulation of the academic cocoon has been […]

There’s Always a Backstory

  Jess Zimmerman (@j_zimms) had come to my attention before, although I couldn’t remember why her Twitter profile seemed familiar when I saw it Sunday. @SeverEnergia on Twitter sent me a link to Zimmerman’s blog post with this (deliberately) infuriating headline: Men, Get On Board With Misandry Believe it or not, the man-hating movement loves you […]

Ethics in Doxxing?

@IjeomaOluo is a feminist and a thoughtful writer. This is a rare combination. Feminism has for decades been an intellectual ghetto inhabited by bad writers spewing tedious jargon (the misogynist oppressor mansplained, sitting at his desk surrounded by about five dozen books of feminist theory). Oluo writes about a Tumblr vigilante site called Racists Getting […]

The Liberal Bubble: ‘They Can’t Fathom That Somebody Disagrees With Them’

So says a Silicon Valley CEO, describing the liberal echo chamber inside the tech industry that frigthens Republicans into silence: One startup CEO who has worked in Silicon Valley for more than a decade says that while it’s popular to talk politics in the workplace, the underlying assumption is that everyone has similar views. The […]

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